Welcome Home-15

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Alex's p.o.v.

"Guys, this is Alex and Nick. They're living with us from now on" Andrea introduced us. "This is Vic, Christina, Chrissy, and you know Johnnie," she introduced them.

"Welcome home," Vic smiled at us. Our father. Nick got his brown eyes from him. I had my straight hair from him.

"Why don't we get you two settled?" Andrea smiled. We followed her upstairs. I have the girls in one room and Johnnie in his separate room. We can have you two together in one room or Nick can share rooms with Johnnie. Up to you two," she stopped us before entering.

"We're ok with staying together," I answered. I didn't want to leave Nick's side.

"We hoped so since two beds are in there already," she giggled and opened the door. The room was big and could evenly be put in half for us to have even amount of space. I walked in and sat on the left side bed. I bounced on it a bit then did the same with the right side.

"I want this one," I said. Nick chuckled and went downstairs with Andrea. I followed and carried my bags up.

"We're gonna have dinner in a bit so you guys can look around if you want," Andrea said. I nodded and  Nick walked out. Where was he going?  I got up and walked around. There was a 3rd floor? I walked upstairs and headed to the right hallway. I heard music. It was a sound I was following. I opened the door to someone playing piano and singing.

"Stone heart loves bulletproof glass

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

I am titanium" her voice getting stronger. She stopped and smiled. I clapped and she was startled She looked up and looked at me.

"Gosh, you scared me," she chuckled.

"You are amazing," I complemented her. She blushed and smiled.

"Thank you, I'm Christina by the way," she got up and walked towards me.

"Alex. I was just wandering around the house and I'm quite glad that I could hear you singing," I smiled.

"Well thank you. I go up here quite a bit with Chrissy and we just sing," she said looking at the piano. There were also many other instruments around the room perfectly placed.

"Is everyone here so musical?" I asked.

"Mainly. Mom and dad also do art but we're mainly very artistic here. I learned that first week," she said. I gave her a confused look. She noticed and clarified. "My parents died recently and they I've been put to live here. Honestly, I moved here 3 months ago. Everyone is like a family to me so I just say I'm their daughter even if I have no way of proving it." she explained. I nodded.

"So is Chrissy the biological child here? I mean, besides me and Nick?" I asked curiously.

"Basically, Johnnie's parents left him a month ago and Andrea took him in but he doesn't want to be adopted as he is almost legal age to leave," she said.

"That makes a lot of sense," I nodded.

"Here, I'll show you around before dinner," she held my hand and led me to another room. "Up here is mainly the music room and art studio," she opened the door and the smell of paint was everywhere. Unfinished paintings and finished paintings were everywhere. Walls were painted with colors everywhere.

"These are amazing," I said walking around.

"Very. I tried but failed so I painted the walls," she said pointing to the left wall. It was based on music. In the middle was a portrait of her.

"All of this is so beautiful," I smiled.

"Let's continue," she grabbed my hand again and led me downstairs. She opened the back door and I was met with even more. There was a large pool, tables and chairs, small playground, and a soccer ball around.

"I don't think I can ever get used to all of this," I said.

"I still haven't" she laughed.

"Dinner is ready!" Andrea called out. I walked in with Christina and she patted the spot next t her. I sat down and then more people came down.

"Out of my seat," I looked up and saw Chrissy.

"Chris, let her sit here, just for today," Christina stopped me from getting up.

"Listen to your sister Chris," Vic said setting plates in front of us. She huffed and sat in front of Christina. Nick sat next to me and Johnnie next to him. Chrissy wasn't going to like me. She didn't.

The table was never quiet I noted. Full of laughter and conversations. I was so used to silence and remarks that it was weird to see everyone smiling.

"You guys try and get sleep because you are going to school tomorrow," Andrea said.

"Mom," Nick stopped her from leaving. She turned around and looked at us.


"Thank you," he smiled.

"Goodnight guys. I love you two," she kissed our heads and left.

"Goodnight Nick," I smiled and turned the light off.

"Goodnight Lex," I smiled. It was rare for him to call me Lex. This move was good so far.


"Good morning!" I groaned and covered my head with my blanket.

"Get up Lexie!" I got hit by a pillow. I opened my eyes and saw Christina.

"I'm tired," I closed my eyes again.

"Alexandria  Dorame," I sat up and glared at her.

"Yes mom," I threw the pillow back at her and she giggled.

"Your full name wakes you up?" she asked.

"Maybe," I shrugged. I opened grabbed my uniform and shooed her out.

"Hurry," she said and I closed the door after her. I dressed and got ready. 

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