Chapter 41

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We arrive at Steve's house in Brooklyn, New York. I grab Darcy as tony grabs our bags. I feel the bitter cold snow hitting my face. This is definitely not Malibu. We walk in to see everyone sitting by a fire.

"Hey!" I say as they jump up to hug me. My mom and dad come first.

"Awe she's adorable what's her name darling?" Mom asks as I smile and show Darcy's face.

"Her name is Darcy Anne stark and she was born on November 17th 2015." I say as she holds my finger. I see Jessica and Bruce standing in the kitchen. The kids are all playing in the back room. I walk and sit by Steve.

"Hey big bro, where's Lou?" I ask as he points to the kitchen.

"Thanks" I say as tony walks in and everyone starts to smile.

"There he is! The one and only Tony Stark!" My cousin Ashlynn says as we start laughing before some one adds to it.

"We would of said the one and only stark but there are three starks now" my aunt grace says. I kiss tony and ask him to hold Darcy. I then walk into the back room. I see jessie and josh playing while Hayley is on her phone. I knock on the door lightly and smile as they look at me.

"AUNTY JAZZ!" They shout as I laugh. They hug me and I give them a kiss on the cheek. Tony walks in with Darcy who is crying.

"I think she's hungry " he says as I sigh.

"Ok I'll ask Steve if I can use his room real fast." I say as I stand up.

"Why?" Tony asks as I take the baby.

"I'm not showing my boob to the whole family" I whisper as he chuckled.

"Oh yeah well you should go.. I'll stay with my neices and nephew." He said as they smile.

"UNCLE TONY!!" I can hear josh yell as I am half way down the hallway. I enter steves room and start to feed Darcy. I walk around looking in his room. I find some pictures and look at them. I pick one up and see a ten year old Steve with a five year old jess and a five year old me. Soon tony barges in and chuckles.

"Nice wanna share Darcy?" He jokes as I playfully slap him.

"We are finishing up actually so no you can't have any." I say as I fix my shirt and put a burp rag over my shoulder. I burp Darcy and then head back out to watch people open gifts. Eventually a lot of people leave as Steve sets up a room for tony and I. We sit with Steve and Louis in their living room as my mom and dad join us. So did jess and Bruce. The kids still playing in that room and Darcy is in her playpen. There is a nock on the door then people walk in. It was ally and peter with joey and penny. I smile and hug her as penny and joey go to play with the other kids. Ally and peter sit down and we start talking.

"So since it is my lovely boyfriends birthday I want to give him his gift" steve says as he stands up and helps Louis up. He then gets on a knee and proposes to Louis. He obviously said yes. Then my mom started to say something.

"Hey I'm sorry to ruin the happy moment but I have bad news." She says as we look at her and she frowns as dad holds her hand.

"Well we just found out that I have cancer." She said as Steve looks at her. Jess looks at Bruce then asks a question I didn't want to hear.

"How long do you have to live?" She asks as mom hesitates.

"Only a few months" she finally says and I let the tears fall. Tony holds me close and helped me calm down. Eventually everything calmed down and we went to bed after a long day and a stressful evening. Only knowing we will have to wake up in a few hours to tend to Darcy .

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