Chapter 8

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**Allison's POV**

I wake up to my phone buzzing from my nightstand. I reach over and see 'My Bestie' across the screen.

I answer right away. "Hello?"

"Hey sorry can't make it today, Tony and I are having a lazy day today" I hear a slightly panicked Jasmine. Probably recovering from an anxiety attack which isn't uncommon for her to wake up with since the accident but it isn't bad so I don't mention it.

"That's fine! Go have a lazy day, you deserve it" I say and I can just imagine Jazz smiling. I notice Peter waking up beside me.

"Talk to you later" she says and I hear the beep of her hanging up. I lock my phone and set it back where it was. I roll back over and rest my head on my hand held up by my elbow. I look at Peter who is now fully awake.

"Hey baby" he says to me.

"Oh no" I respond "trying to win me over with pet names will not make me get Penny on your turn" I swing my feet over the side of the bed and my hubby does the same.

I walk over to the closet and pull out my tan tank top. I pull off Peter's over sized shirt that I was wearing and slip my new one on.

"I have work today" Peter tries to tell me.

"Yeah because your work is scheduled" I laugh at his attempt.

"I plan on catching a bank robber" he smirks back.

"You do that while holding Penny" I call him out while sliding on my jean shorts. "And you need to stop watching me get dressed"

"I wasn't watching you" he lies.

"Oh because that drool is because there's a cheeseburger behind me" I roll my eyes.

"I'm not drooling" he defends as I put on my dream catcher necklace. "Where are you even going anyway" he says starting to shave.

"Well WE are going to go clothes shopping for Penny" I inform him grabbing him some matching clothes and tossing them onto the bed.

"I thought you and Jasmine were going to Starbucks or something" he always tries to get out of things but he is right we were gonna go to the mall.

"We were but she is hanging out with Tony today and I like Tony so I want her to get to know him" I explain while doing my hair and makeup quickly.

"What do you mean you like Tony?" Peter raises his eyebrows.

"You are too jealous mister" I start to walk towards my shirtless husband who is freshly shaven. "I mean he is good for her but you are the one I really like" I poke his chest as I reach him. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. He kisses me on the forehead but then I tilt my head up to give him a real kiss. I pull out at the sound of Penny crying.

"Later" I say grabbing his clothes and throwing them at him.

I walk out of the room and into Penny's. I hate when I let Peter skip his turns but I can't stand the sound of her whining. She stops crying and starts smiling the second I walk in the room. She's definitely a mamas girl. I pick her up and carry her downstairs and into the kitchen.

I place her in the high chair and give her some bits of fresh fruit. I take out the ingredients for pancakes as Peter walks in fully dressed.

I start to make the batter and my man pours two glasses of orange juice.

"Can you get Penny a new diaper and some clean clothes please" I sweet talk him.

"Alright fine" he grabs her and twirls her in the air.

"It is your turn anyway" I laugh at my two most precious people in the world.

They walk back upstairs and I finish making breakfast.

The three of us go into countless childerens' stores and leave with more bags than I can count. It's a good thing my husband has the job he does otherwise he wouldn't be able to carry it all while I push the stroller.

I get a call from my mom asking me to bring Penny over. I say yes since it's still only two and I can convince Peter to take me to the mall while our daughter is having nana time.

"Hey sweetie" I bat my eyelashes.

"What?" He asks.

"So my mother just asked for Penny and I was thinking" I begin before being interrupted.

"That's dangerous" he smiles obviously proud of himself.

"Well I was thinking you could bring me to mall and I'll even let you get a spider man cookie so you can tell me every detail that's wrong and how it doesn't even look anything like your suit" that will get him for sure.

"Really" he says like he's a kid in a candy store.

"Yes really" I giggle at my adorable little guy.

My mom is so excited to see her granddaughter and she says she wants a grandson soon which will not be happening. She even remarked how she will get him action figures especially a Spider-Man one since he's the local hero which is always funny considering she doesn't know his secret identity.

I go to tons of stores and even let Peter pick out one dress for me that shows a little too much boobage but I get it anyway since he let me come to the mall and drag him along. He was so excited to get his cookie but then I listened to him telling me how the line isn't curved right or how there isn't even supposed to be a line there. It does make me smile and I do notice the differences.

Written by: Madison053001 who is Allison IRL.

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