Chapter 36 Part 2

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He runs off and I grab the clothes he left behind and stuff them in my purse. While everyone else runs from danger he insists on running into it. I adore him for that but it gives me so much stress at times like this.

I run into a nearby shop and hide behind a rack of clothes peering over and out the window. I watch as he swings in to save the day.

Its a bank being robbed as far as I can tell. I watch as peter sticks the one guy on the wall but the other guy behind him attacks him. He pulls out a gun and shoots him. They guys quickly run off and get away just as the cops show off. I notice Pete stand up and swing to the top of a building.

I climb the stairs and reach the top of the building where I find Peter. He's still conscious but not for much longer. While he can still move a little I get him back into his normal peter parker clothes.

I help him up and guide down to the ground floor where he collapsed. I fall into a puddle next to him crying. I hear people behind me calling 911. I know bes alive. He's got to be. He can't be bleeding out.

Within a minute an ambulance shows up and him and I are rushed in. We are taken to the nearest hospital.


After an hour of surgery to remove the bullet. When he woke up the police came in. "We are here because we need to know why you were shot. We are required to ask" they tell him.

"I was at the bank, you know the one they shot the cameras out at" he lies. He has fury cover this up though. "One of the men grabbed me and and dragged me up to the top of the building. Luckily my wife here" he points at me and I give them a half smile " she saw me and followed the man up there. She pulled the gun which is registered to her that was in her purse and scared them away" he concludes with a truth I do have a gun for emergencies only.

" sir that doesn't explain why or when you were shot" the cop says.

"Sorry pain medication has me all loopy. When he grabbed me I wasn't exactly complient so he shot me here in my right shoulder" he points to the wound.


Only one night in the hospital. Only one. I tried to convince him to go home but he claims he will manage.

Right before we leave he books a fancy hotel and then reserves a spot at a high end steak restaurant.

"I didn't pack a dress" I concern.

"I know" he smirks. "We get to go shopping" he tells me sounding truly excited about this.

"You hate shopping" I put a hand on my hip. Just last week GE refused to with me to buy Joey some new clothes.

"Correction, I hate kids shopping, but I love seeing you try on clothes" he says as we walk out of the hospital and make our way to the car we rented.

"Yeah but I'm not gonna try on the tightest and most revealing dresses of all time" I roll my eyes as peter and I slide into out seats.
"You're perfect in any kind of dress" he smiles and his smile alone could make me smile but his elegant words make me feel so happy and confident.

I lean over the console and kiss him. He tries to lift his arm up to hold my face but hurts his arm and pulls back.

"Shit that hurt" he says.

"Mister that's a quarter in the swear jar" I speak. We started the jar about the time I got pregnant with Joey.

"Okay so when I say shit when its just the two of us then I have to put a quarter in the jar but you don't when you say damn in front of both the kids" he complains.

"You never call me out on it though" I laugh.


I kiss him one more time before we drive off to go shopping.

Once we arrive at the dress store peter walks around with me and gives me feedback on every dress I point at. He's so involved. Then again he hasn't disliked one dress yet.

While I pick a few more dresses to try on peter keeps stealing kisses. I have twelve dresses once I get in the dressing room.

"You sit there and I'll go try these on and I'll show you the ones I like the most" I instruct Petey.

"How about I just go in there with you"

"No sir" I wag my finger.

"At least show me all the dresses please" he pouts while taking a seat.

"Fine" I say turning around and start going into the room with the walk I always do to annoy peter.

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