Chapter 20

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**3 months later**

I wake up with the need to puke. I run to the bathroom attached to Tony and I's bedroom and lean over the toilet. Tony rushes in as everything in my stomach empties. He sits on the floor behind me and rubs my back.

"It's okay your nerves are just getting to you" he assures me. I nod slightly.

After my sickness passes I go downstairs to the TV room.

"Jarvis turn on Hercules please" the screen clicks on and the movie begins.

" you are much more politer then Tony" Jarvis states.

"How is that" I ask

"He doesn't say please" this brightens my mood.

Tony brings me some cereal before I have to leave. I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow. Pepper has helped a lot with the planning. I'm glad we've become so close.
I pull out my phone and check my to do list.

Final dress fitting.
Nail salon.
Check the venue.
Call catering.
Call cake shop.

Alright busy day. I get some clothes on and run my errands for the big day.

**** NEXT DAY***

I get up and Tony is with the guys, the girls come and we head to the venue where our dressing room awaits us. The bridesmaids get dressed after they get their hair and make up done. Now Allison and I get our hair and make up done then she gets dressed as I go and get sick before putting on my dress. I put a mint in my mouth and drink some water before walking out. My dad takes my arm and the girls walk out. I watch the flower girl walk out then I head down the aisle. I have finally decided that I'm going to tell Tony about the baby. My dad kisses my cheek when we reach the end of the aisle. I look at Tony and hug him. He whispers in my ear.

"Today is the day" I nervously laugh and then I whisper back to him.

"Um I'm pregnant" he looks astonished as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"So let's get this wedding start ed shall we?" The preacher asks as I gulp and Tony is freaked out. I sigh and he stutters.

"I-I can't do this, I'm s-sorry" he said as he ran out, pepper followed him as I ran to the bathroom crying.

***Tonys POV**

I can't do this. Pepper came to me and hugged me.

"Cold feet?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yeah,just didn't feel right I guess" I replied as she leaned closer.

"I've always liked you and I've thought that you were with the wrong girl." She said as I looked at her.

"Ha, really?" I asked as she nods her head and kisses me.

*** BACK TO JAZ***

I wipe my eyes and see Allison come in.

"You okay?" She asks as I look at her.

"No not really, you wanna know why he left?" I asked with a voice I only get when I'm mad.

"Why?" She asked as I took a deep breath.

"Because I'm pregnant, he ran off because I told him I was pregnant" I practically yelled as Allison patted my back.

"Tell you what how about we go move out your stuff, talk to steve and see if you can stay there until you feel like you can speak to tony again." She said as I nodded and dried my eyes. We talk to steve and we grab some of my belongings before heading to Steve's apartment and changing.

"I feel so bad, why do I feel like this?" I ask as Steve sits by me.

"Its his fault, not yours, can you tell me what you told him before the wedding though?" Steve asks as I look at him.

"What do you mean?" I ask as he looks at me.

"Come on tell me" he demanded.

"I'm pregnant" I look down and he hugs me.

"Come on you need rest" he said as I went to bed.

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