Chapter 31

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*One week before the wedding*

"Tony, honey can you call allison and ask her if we are going to go see jess today?" I asked as he stands up and comes up to me giving me a hug and a kiss.

"Yes baby " he said as I smile and head into the bathroom to get dressed. I shower and get out to dry off. I put on a black dress and red pumps then dry and curl my hair. Tony walks in and hands me the phone.

"She is on her way to get you, now you be careful, I know she lives about an hour away, and y'all are staying over night, so call me when you get there, when you go to bed, and when you're about to leave, I packed your bag. I believe that's all." He said as I giggled.

"Tony we will be fine I promise" I reassured him as I kissed his cheek and finished getting ready. Allison walks in and I walk down stairs with Tony. He hands me my bag and kisses me good bye. We head to the car and start to head off.

"Ally, is it normal for tony to be worried about me? Nothing bad will happen I'm 7 months in, " I said as she giggled.

"Yup and its like that until the day you come home with the baby." She said as I sighed and we pulled into a parking lot. I look up and see we are at an ice cream parlor. I smile jump out and walk in.

"I want the cookie dough double dip in a cup please" I said as ally nodded and ordered while I went to the restroom. I came out and we ate before heading off again. We finally arrive at the house and pull into the drive way. I grab my things and head to the door Ally knocks and Bruce answers.

"Ah allison jasmine! Come on in, we have your rooms set up and I'll show you them while your sister is busy with something." He said as we walked in and up the stairs. He showed us our rooms and we set up. I head downstairs and right as I step off of the last step a little two year old girl is running out from my sisters room. I smile and then see a boy that is about 5 and another girl that is around 12. I look at Bruce and he smiles. My sister comes out and I hug her.

"Hi ally, nice to see you" she said as she hugged Allison. I look at her as we went into the kitchen.

"Hold on I've got to call Tony" I said as I pull out my phone and dial the number. He answers with a sigh of relief.

"Oh ok you're good.. How are jess and Bruce?" He asked as I reply.

"They're good, I'm an aunt now, and I never was told this but I'm an aunt" I said as I hear a sound of something thudding.

"Are you okay? What happened" I asked as he sighed.

"Nothing, just that I am an uncle... And I'm about to be a dad. I never thought that Jess would have kids before us." He said as I giggle and then talk again.

"Well believe it, hey I've gotta go though so I'll call you tonight babe alright bye love you" I said as he sighed.

"Alright love you too bye" and with that I hung up. I look at Jessica and frown showing her that she needs to explain now.

"Hey Hayley watch you're sister and brother while your aunt and I step outside please" she said as we headed out side and I tap my foot.

"Okay, Bruce and I adopted, we decided that we wanted kids, but the first time we tried it failed so we adopted Hayley and Joshua then about a year after adopting I got pregnant with Jessie." She said as I sighed and hugged her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I hardley see you anymore and I thought you would fill out" she said as I sighed and we headed back in so I could get to know my nieces and nephew.

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