Chapter 3

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"JASMINE TONY IS HERE!" Peter yelled as I walked down stairs and see Tony . He smiles and so do I.

"You look great!" He exclaimed as I laughed.

"You too, I think you look cute" I said as he took my hand.

"Well thanks, you too, kind of like a modern Elsa" Tony chuckled.

"Is that bad?" I asked as he got into the car.

"No, its great!"

"Okay good, where are we going?" I asked as he drove to a restaurant.

"To your favorite place, Peter told me while I was waiting for you to answer the phone, he is such a nice person, kind of reminds me of spider man" I giggled a bit.

"Thanks, shows how much you care, thank you" I say as he takes me inside. We eat and get to know each other for a while.

**After the Date**

"Tony, you're such a nice person! I'm really gonna miss you if I go back to Florida, but I'm not sure yet." I say as he drives to his house.

"Well I think that you're the funnest person I've known" he said and I laughed.

"Did you say funnest?" I asked as he led me to his front door.

"Yeah I did," he said as I nod and follow him inside .

"Why are we here?" I asked as he turned to me and smiled.

"I have a present for you" he said as I smiled a bit.


"Stay right here I'll be back" he said as I did as told. I looked around and saw a picture of a little boy and an older guy.

"Back" he says as I turn around.

"Hey who is in this picture?" I ask holding the framed picture and he looked at it.

"That's me and my dad, I was 10" Tony said as I smiled and put the picture down.

"So cute" I told him as he chuckled.

"Thanks, now I've got your present right here." He said as he handed me a box. I unwrap the red wrapping paper and open the box to see a necklace with a heart chaen that says 'love' on it.

"Oh its adoreable, I love it, thank you!" I said as I hugged him.

"No problem, shall we walk you home?" He asked as I put on the necklace.

"Yes" I said as he grabbed my hand and walked me to Allison's house.

"Jasmine, I know we just met and all but will you be my girlfriend?" Tony asked as I looked at him with a smile.

"Yes I will, again thank you for everything it was awesome. I love this walk though, its nice out" I said as he laughed a bit.

"You got that right, it is nice out" Tony said as we stopped in front of the house, not going to the front door yet.

"I've still got five minutes until I can go in, they think I'll be back at 9:30, its only 9:25" I said as tony took my hands.

"Shall we dance then?" He asked as I smiled and nodded my head yes.

"We shall " I said laughing a bit and we danced for about five minutes, then we went to the front door.

"Good night jaz,"

"Night Tony" I said as he kissed my cheek and walked home as I walked into the house.

"How did it go?" Allison asked.

"Ally, I'm in love, and he's so nice! I'm gonna miss him" I said as I looked down.

"What do you mean?" Alison asked as I sat down and took off my shoes.

"I want to stay in Florida."

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