Chapter 28

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I wake up in the empty bed and somehow I turned around to where I was laying sideways. I laugh at myself in my head. I go to the bathroom to take a shower and look at my tummy in the mirror. I'm starting to actually look pregnant. I guess that's what some months does to a girl.

I take a quick shower and put on a sundress I bought that was a size bigger than normal. I still haven't seen Tony all morning. I go in search of him. I look all over and where do I find him? The freaking suit room.

I barge in ignoring Jarvis. "What the hell?" I yell "I thought you said you were gonna do better for your baby".

"Jazz calm down" he coaxes

"Why should I" I scream and turn on my heel to leave.

"Because I'm not working on a suit" he says wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me backwards into him.

I quickly twist away but I stay "then what some new weapon, are you going back to working on weapons?" I say heartbroken.

"No it's something really special to me" he steps to the side and reveals a crib. He was making a crib for my...our baby. A tear slips my out of the corner of my eye.

"You don't like it?" He says sounding concerned.

"No I love it" I say hugging him "it's fantastic Tony"

"I love you baby" he whispers in my ear.

" I love you too" I say back to him.

He starts kissing behind my ear. "Hey no not now sir" I push him away a little.

"Come on nine months is a long time to have to wait"

"It's hasn't been nine silly"

"Nine is a lot" he whines.

I playfully slap his arm and walk upstairs with him on my heels. " oh and Allie called earlier and what's us to come over and watch Penny while Parker and her go out but I think parker thought nine months was a long time too so he understands my pain"


"What" he says innocently

"Stop" I look at him in the eye "you're being naughty"

"Says the pregnant woman" he scoffs.

"Shut up" I say grabbing some cereal out of the pantry but Tony grabs it out of my hand.

"Nope we have a special breakfast"

"Sir are you asking me on a date" I laugh.

"I guess I am" he smirks.

"Then I guess I'm saying yes" I say grabbing his hand as he leads me out.

We go get breakfast and take a walk in the park before heading over to Allies. We walk up to the door and I knock but Tony walks past me and just walks in.

"Tony" I say sternly.

"How many times are you going to Tony me today"

"I don't know sir you're being a bad boy" I giggle. "Allison" I call out. And then I notice how dark it is.

"Surprise!" All my friends and family jump out as the lights turn on "happy baby shower" they announce. Alison walks up to me and gives me a hug.

"You didn't have to do this" I smile.

"So apparently that sir is being a bad boy today" she burst into a fit of laughter and my cheeks turn bright red.

"Oh you heard" I say

"It okay" she replies.

I see Tony walk over to Peter and he elbows his side "so Parker how bad is nine months to wait"

From across the room I shoot Tony the death glare.

I notice all the people who show up. My sister, Bruce, Louis, JC, a couple other faces and then a computer screen with Steve. Allison really thought of everything.

I get dragged through the whole baby shower playing games, eating, opening presents, eating again, talking to everyone, and eating one more time. It was amazing and Tony and I had a great time even if he kept asking Peter about what a pregnant wife is like and I ha to remind him I'm technically not his wife nut also that he needed to stop.

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