Chapter 13 (A Flashback)

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*Allison's 16th birthday*

"I can't believe you let me go to New York for my birthday alone" I tell my mom through the phone.

"Well I figured you wouldn't want us bugging you" she replies.

"You're right but I couldn't imagine how much it was for you to fly me and Jasmine out here" I put the phone in between my shoulder and ear as I pull out my debit card and insert it into the ATM.

"I wanted my baby to finally meet that guy she's been video chatting" she says.

"It's not just that guy it's THE guy" I explain. "Anyway I've got to go Jazzy is waiting at the hotel for me.

"Okay good bye honey have fun" she says and I hang up.

I get two hundred dollars to go shopping with and then pull out my card and put the cash in my purse.

I turn around and three men in all black and masks walk in pointing guns at different people. I freeze.

"Drop all your valuables" one of the scary men yell. I drop my bag and attempt to run before another man grabs me and covers my mouth.

"Anyone else want to try and escape" he screams angrily.

All of a sudden a man in a red suit swings in and grabs me from the man. While keeping me in his arms he takes out the robbers. He swoops by and picks up my purse. Who is he and why isn't he putting me down?

"Who are you" I insist for an answer. "Where are we going? What's going on?" I keep questioning this mystery man.

He stays silent. We end up on a roof top of a tall building. He sets me down and turns his back to me. Before he has a chance to swing away I grab his shoulder. He lowers his head as I ask one more time "who the freak are you".

He lets out a deep sigh and says "I've got to go". His voice sounds like I've heard it before.

"I'm not letting go until you tell me who you are" I stand my ground.

"Wanna bet" he tells me before he shoots some sort of string onto my hands and wrapping them together in front of me. He smirks through the material covering his face.

"If I tell you who I am, will you not freak out?" he asks. I nod. He reaches up and tucks his fingers under the mask type thing.

He slowly pulls it off revealing himself. I gasp and I feel my lips trembling.

"Peter" I say softly. He looks at the ground and closes his eyes as if he is ashamed. "Come here" I tell him more than ask.

Keeping his head down he takes a couple steps toward me. When he is close enough I take my tied together hands and put them around his neck. He looks up at me and I smile. I pull him in for a hug.

"You're not mad" he says into my ear.

"No I'm not" I reply. "You just saved my life".

"Yeah you're welcome" he remarks.

"Can you untie me" I plea.

"I don't know can I" he is such a loser.

"Ugh my dad says those kinda jokes not you too" I roll my eyes.

He unties me and I put my hand backs by my sides. "So are we still up for tomorrow night?" He asks about our previous plans.

"Yeah" I smile.

"Okay" he grins back.

"But..." I pop the 'T'.

"I knew there was a but" he groans.

"But we need to move it from seven to six so we can walk through the park and talk a little bit about this" I point at his suit.

"Oh about me being a famous superhero" he pretend flips his hair.

"No about you being lame and wearing tights." I roll my eyes again "yes about you being ...?" I ask for his name.

"I'm Spider-Man" he proudly says and I laugh. "What?!?"

"You're called Spider-Man" I laugh for two minutes straight.

"I like it" he stomps his foot.

"Okay okay you can keep it" I hold in more giggles.

And the rest is history.

Who knew?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant