Chapter 16

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I wake up and tony isn't there. I sit up and rub my eyes. Rolling out of bed and almost lose balance from not hitting the floor correctly. I go into the bathroom and see tony shirtless and brushing his teeth. I hug him and he smiles.

"Morning sleeping beauty" he said as he kissed me after finishing brushing his teeth. I smile and brush my teeth as tony slips on some shorts and a tee. He then grabs his phone.

"We have that Halloween party at Allison's tonight, remember babe" I asked as he was picking up some stuff off of the bedroom floor.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that, ok cool" he said. As we passed the time.

------ Halloween party ------

We walk in to see Allison and penny in the kitchen. Allison squealed when she saw the matching costumes.

"I didn't know you were gonna be all matchy matchy" she said as I blushed and held his hand.

"It was a mistake, but instead of one of us deciding on a new costume we kept them." I said as allison catches the promise ring and smiles. More people arrive and I see Steve. Allison is Wendy and penny is tinker Bell as peter is peter pan. After tony walks off to get some drinks for us allison points out the ring.

"When did this happen?" She asked as I looked at her.

"Last night" I said as she squealed. I smile and she grabs my hand.

"I can't believe my best friend is finally getting married!" She said as I pull my hand away and back up a but as I nervously laugh.

"Oh no no no, this is a promise ring, I promised to tony that I'd love him until we were dead, we both promised to love each other even if one of us gets cold feet at our wedding, or if one of us is sick and so on" I explained as steve caught my eye once again. Tony comes back over to me and holds my hand once again. Steve walks over after allison goes to find peter.

"Ah my little sister, how are you?" He asked as tony looked confused.

"Hi steve, I'm g-good and you?" He smirked and then hugged me.

"I'm fine, umm hey Tony" he said as I look between them and then spot Steve wearing a captain America suit.

"Yes Rogers?" He asked as Steve leaned against the wall.

"Why are you holding my sisters hand" steve asked as I sighed and then had fear in my eyes.

"Well Steve, it seems to as your sister is my girlfriend" he said with an attitude as I got even more fear in my eyes.

" why didn't you tell me jasmine?" Steve asked as I looked at him.

"Because I knew you wouldn't like me dating him! You seem to hate tony so why would I freaking tell you?" I asked as steve saw the look in my eyes.

"I'm sorry," steve said as he walked away. Tony smiled then kissed me. Which again was weird considering that he doesn't do the whole PDA thing.

"Its getting late we should go home babe" tony said as I nod my head and we tell allison and peter 'goodbye' and we grabbed our keys. We go home and I change into a crop top with some sweats as I brush my hair and wash off my make up. I go and lay down, but tony doesn't. He goes downstairs and into his suit room. I doze off for about 3 hours until I hear tony stumbling into the room. He lays down and gives me a kiss as I kiss back at first then he wouldn't stop so I pushed him off. I sit up and turn on the light.

"Tony! Are you drunk?" I asked as he looked at me.

"M-maybe, *hiccup* but so what" he said as he stumbled over his words. I start using my feet to push him away and end up falling off the bed once again.

"TONY STOP IT! YOU ARE DRUNK AND THATS NOT HAPPENING, SO UNTIL YOU CAN STRAIGHTEN UO AND NOT BE LIKE THIS THEN DONT BOTHER ME" I yelled as I grabbed my blanket and ran into my old bedroom. I layed there crying until I fell asleep.

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