Chapter 5

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*3 months later*

I wake up in a hospital room, people filled the room. Tony was right beside me though. Bella and Allison stood with Jessica in the back. Mom and dad stood in the corner and my brother, Tyler, sitting with Maddy, who is my sister-in-law.

"Jazzy!" Tony said as I smiled.

"You're alright!" Allison said.

"I was so scared you wouldn't wake up!" Bella added.

"Its fine, but why am I here?" I asked as tony held my hand.

"The plane you took on your way to Florida three months ago, crashed and you are one of the ten survivors" Jessica said as I look around.

"But I was home, then tony came for a week, and Jess she was singing in a concert." I said as they looked at each other.

"Jazz, that's stuff we've told you while you've been out, you weren't there for any of that" Jessica said as I frowned.

"Oh " I said quietly. The doctor walked in and every one left the room, except Allison.

"Well happy Halloween," he said as I looked at him.

"Its one week from Halloween, you're very lucky , to have friends like them, especially that Tony guy. He has been here almost every day since you got here." The doctor said as I look at Tony through the window.

"You're free to go after you eat food. And change, you have clothes right in this chair, we suggest that you go and stay with someone for a few weeks then you'll be fine." The doctor said as I nod a bit and Allison speaks up.

"Alright doctor, will do" I eat some food then change. I walk out in a galaxy tank and sweats along with my galaxy vans.

"I'm ready to go" I said as everyone nodded.

"Allison suggested that you ride back with Tony, and y'all will stop in Texas for a few days then hit the road again, they think you should live in California" mom said as I look at Jessica, we are twins can't really pull us apart.

"Go jazzy, you should go" she said as I nodded. Tony and jess take me to the apartment and they pack everything up.

"We will leave tomorrow okay?" Tony said as he grabbed a pillow and blanket.

"Okay" I replied as I layed in my bed. I doze off for a bit before I wake up screaming.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Tony asked as he ran into my room.
"It was just a nightmare, anxiety hit me" I said as he sighed and sat beside me.

"You gonna be okay?" He asked as I looked at him.

"No I'm not, I'm never gonna be able to get rid of that memory" I said as I let tears rolled down my face.

"I know how you feel, I almost died once " he said as I looked back down.

"Really?" I asked as he nodded.

"Yeah I went through a worm hole, and almost didn't make it, trust me it sucks, but if you just move on and forget about it then you'll be okay" he told me as I hugged him.

"Thanks" I said as he stood up and smiled.

"Get some rest, you'll need it." He told me and I went back to sleep.

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