Chapter 32

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I look at my belly one last time before putting on my dress. I curl my hair and do my make up my bridesmaids walk in and so does my dad. I look up and smile.

"It's time you ready to go?" He asks as I nod my head. The girls walk out first then I come. I see tony standing there smiling. I smile and shed a tear. My dad kisses my cheek and I stand in front of my soon to be husband. He looks at me and takes my hand.

"Alright we are going to start with the vows. Mr.stark would you like to go first?" The preacher asks as he nods and opens his mouth.

"Jasmine, that day I met you on the plane to Malibu I could of sworn my heart skipped a beat. You were just so beautiful, and I got the delight to take you out, by the time you decided to leave something happened, you call it a nightmare, but I call it faith, you were then brought back to me where you stayed in a spare room. Finally I asked you to marry me on your birthday, well I'm sorry for running out the first time, because in all honesty I didn't run out because you said that I was gonna be a dad but I ran out on cold feet, that was the worst mistake of my life. There for I am making it up to you by making you Mrs. Stark" he finished as I smile and cry a bit. I then start mine.

"Tony, at first I didn't realize who you were until the night we went out. I enjoyed our time but I thought my home was in Florida but that "faithful" accident brought me back to you, you are my home, and my life, and even when you're working and busy I know you'll be there for me, even when you promised that you'll stop working too much, you still do, but I love that about you, I'm only half a heart with out you, I was so heart broken when you left me, and when I saw you and pepper that day I swear my heart shattered but I gave you another chance because I believe you're my true love, and I'm glad to be having your baby, and I am glad that I will soon be called Mrs. Stark" I said as the preacher spoke.

"Anthony Edward Stark, do you take jasmine to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked as tony smiled and spoke.

"I do" the preacher once again spoke.

"And do you Jasmine Marie Diaz take tony to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked as I inhaled and shed a tear.

"I do" the preacher smiled and then once again spoke.

"The rings please" we got the rings and I put the ring on Tony's finger. Tony then grabbed a ring and slid it on my finger I smiled and the preacher finished.

"You may now kiss the bride " he said as tony and I kissed and everyone cheered. Every one except for JC who was whispering to some one. I smile and we walk out and to a ball room for the reception where everyone was having fun until someone walked up to us at our table.

"Is it true that you only got married because she's pregnant?" They asked as I look at tony and then he looks at me.

"No not at all," he said as they left we then had the dance, and then cake, then we left and went on to the house, because I can't fly yet, so we are holding the honeymoon off until after the baby is born, which is in 3 months. We go home and change before falling asleep.

Who knew?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora