Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

"I'm his girlfriend."

"I don't think I can let you see him right now. I'm sorry."

"Please," My voice cracked. "I need to see him. I need to know that he's okay. Please."

She stared at me for a few seconds before letting out a small sigh. "Okay. Let me check the computer for his room number. This will only take a second."

"Thank you so much!" She gave me a small smile. "No problem."

After a minute or two she finally said,"Okay. He's in room 215 in the ICU."

"Thank you again!" I said to her, before I left through the double doors. I used the elevator to reach the second floor which was the Intensive Care Unit.

The Intensive Care Unit was very busy. One of the busiest I've seen so far. I made my way down the hallway, looking at each of the door's for room number 215.





I stood in front of the door. I could hear the voice of two people, Raye was one of the voice's, but I couldn't quite decipher who was the other person speaking. My shaky hands reached for the door handle.

Maybe I should knock.

I quickly pulled my hand away and waited a few seconds before knocking. I heard the both of them stop talking. The door opened revealing a Doctor. Raye appeared next to him a second later.

"Oh Anabelle!" She came up to me and hugged me. My breathing hitched. "Is he okay? Can I see him?"

Raye pulled away and nodded. "I'll speak to you again in a little Mrs. Walker." She nodded. "Thank you again Dr. Martin." Dr. Martin smiled at the both of us before leaving.

Raye opened the door all the way. I slowly walked in, my eyes staring at Sean's sleeping body. I saw that he had some cuts and bruises on his face.

I could feel my breathing slowly speeding up. "The doctor says that he has some cuts and bruises, but so far nothing serious. They're running a series of tests on him so they're going to keep him overnight," Raye explained.

I finally reached his bed. I looked down at him, my lips began to tremble lightly. The tears began to form on my eyes as I gazed down at the boy who I fell so hard for.

I ran my fingers through his brown hair and trailed my finger down his cheek. I looked to my left and saw that Raye had placed a chair behind me, so that I could sit.

I pulled the chair closer to Sean's bed and sat down. I intertwined my fingers with his before I brought his hand to my lips and gently kissed it.

"Anabelle, sweetie. Sean told me everything that happened," I heard Raye say. I turned my head to her. "I just wanted you to know that he's completely innocent. He did nothing wrong. You have to hear him out.

I've never seen him so upset over a girl. My son really cares about you and it breaks my heart to see him that way, so upset. Please let him explain. I wouldn't be saying all of this if I knew he did something wrong."

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