"I can't! My brother told me not too!" You shouted defensively.

"(Y/n), you don't have a brother," Marie patted you on the shoulder,

"I do I swear!" You shouted,

"Right were has he gone? The fairy empire to play hop scotch with trolls?" The slightly chubby boy leaned over at you.

"Shut it Max!" You pushed his face away from you and pretended that his breath smelt.

"Give her a break Max she's been through a lot," Marie rubbed comfort circles on your back.

"I didn't!" You cried, "I was perfectly fine with my brother!"

"Well what's his name then?" Max continued to torment you,

"Yuuki! His name is Yuuki!" You growled,

"That's a girls name," Max shook his head,

"Be quiet Maxine!" You both continued to argue. Marie sighed and laid down on the grass you sat on. You and your friends would always sit on the top of this hill rain or shine. Which annoyed your mum when you came home dirty and muddy. Not that it particularly bothered you.

"Guys..." Marie sat up again and frantically poked your shoulder. "There's smoke a lot of it," her shaky hands continued to poke you until you looked over to where Lavender should of been.

"The town its on fire..." Max mumbled beneath his breath, while you (Eren Jeager style) ran straight towards the danger which was back at the town. Back were home was.

Although you had missed it for the past month it was still somewhere you wanted to go at the end everyday until you grew up.

"(Y/n)! Where are you going?" Marie shouted after you.

"Mum, Dad, are they okay?" You picked up your pace panicking that your parents were hurt and that your home was gone and that you would be alone.

When you arrived you realised not all of the town was up in flames. Yet. But the centre of the fire seemed to be-

"No! Mum! Dad!" You screamed hoping they were not in the house and were on the opposite side of the town that was save from the flames.

Your feet touched the centre of the street in less then a second as you raced towards your house faster then you had ever before. Horrified at the first thing that came to view.

Your home was in pieces, beams had collapsed and you were surprised it was standing.

This did not stop you from running straight into it. You couldn't see anything, smoke clogged up your throat making you cough. Your sight was restricted by flames that blocked your path as you tried to shout for your parents.

"(Y/n)!" You heard someone shout back. You followed the weak voice until you found your mother in what would of been living. Beams covered her whole body apart from her face. Even her stretched out arms were broken and twisted in a backwards way. It did not look the result of the fire alone.

She looked up at you when you found her. Crimson blood dripped down her face and escaped her eyes along with tears. Your mothers eyes were blood shot and it didn't look like she could see anything from them.

The sight made you scream. Your 10 year old self was terrified at the bloody sight that lay in front of her.

"Get out of here," you muttered, almost quiet enough for you not to here.

"Mum! Where's Dad?" You screamed, followed immediately by coughing.

Your mother gave an attempt at shacking her head, you knew immediately he was already dead.

"Mum!" You cried, "we're getting you out of here!" You tried to push the beam of her.

"No, (y/n) I'll die whether I make it out or not," she coughed weakly.

"But, but," you started,

"(Y/n)," she said weakly but seriously, "you did have a brother, Yuuki," she mumbled in tears, "Yuuki he..." But she didn't finish the sentence. As it was interrupted by a serious coughing fit.

"Mum! Mum!" You screamed, not caring about what she had to say about your brother. He didn't matter at the moment.

Much to your dislike your mother didn't speak after this. She just stared at you. Motionless.

"Mum..." Crying, and waiting for her to reply. You wanted to scream as you feared opening your eyes which were squeezed tight as your mums lifeless body was staring at you covered in blood.

This was until you heard more beams fall around you. Causing alarm to shoot through your body and you stood up immediately.

"(Y/n)!" You heard a voice call from outside. "(Y/n)! Come back out!" Marie's voice shouted at you until you finally decided to take action and stumble toward the house exit. You were choking on the air around you.

The exit was only getting further away and you wondered if you were delusional. It was your last thoughts before you collapsed.

Nightmares *Rogue X Female!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now