Chapter Twenty

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Day before yesterday was my friend's bday. Her cake was One Direction photo cake. It was amazing. I ate Harry's face (i mean from the cake) ha ha lol. I screamed my throat out when i saw Harry's face on the cake. My throat was aching the whole day. It was worth it ;P

Niall's P.O.V.

We had dinner in a nearby restaurant near Darcy's house. It was not a fancy restaurant but we had some fun.

Darcy unlocked her apartment door and I took a seat in her couch.

"Come sit here," I said patting the place near me in the couch. I watched her as she closed the door carefully and sat down beside me. I wasted no time in taking her hand in mine and intertwining our fingers. A smile crept onto her face. I know that she loved this as much as I did.

"Did you like the dinner?" I asked and instantly felt stupid for asking such an idiotic question.

She smiled. "Yeah, I liked it" she said squeezing my hand gently and that erupted the stupid butterflies in my stomach.

I hate the effect she has on me but I love it more. Her breathtaking smile makes me go weak on my knees. Her beautiful dimple that appears on her left cheek whenever she is happy makes me melt. I cannot help but have feelings for this most beautiful girl on earth. No one ever made me feel this way. I'm pretty sure that I met the love of my life. Only that she won't admit her feelings for me. I know that she loves her job more. I mean it was her ambition, to become a hair stylist and have a parlor on her own. Who would forget their dream for a stupid boy she just barely knows. Its been a month after I told her how I feel about her and asked her if she likes me. I know she feels the same way about me. She wouldn't admit it. She is hesitant and I think she is afraid that Colin might find out. Screw him and the management. They always tell us what to do and what not to do. No, they don't rule us. They just want us to have a clean image in front of the public but they don't decide about our personal life. They have no rights to. All the people who work with us are grumpy. As if for example, our costume designer, Stacy, has a grim face and always tells us our outfit is amazing, no matter whatever dumb clothes we wear. They dress us up and like, "Oh, Mr. Horan, don't you look fabulous?". Believe me, that is the only sentence she says to us with some fake emotion. She is working with us for a long time. And she sure as hell looked at Colin when he is mad. Therefore, the workers won't risk their job. One, because, they know about Colin. Two, because, they get payed very good. I don't care about me him because, we are only reason he has a job. So, we are not afraid of him. He likes to act like he is in charge of everything, which clearly, he isn't. He is just our manager. Its not like he owns us. We only respect him because Simon trusts him and that's all.

"What are you thinking about?" Darcy asked, bringing me outta my thoughts.

I shook my head smiling. She bit her bottom lip, trying to hold back a giggle.

"What is so funny?" I asked smiling.

"You look so funny when you zone out" she replied, now giggling.

"I did not zone out" I said frowning.

"Yes, you did" she said nodding her head.

"Nah ah" I said shaking my head.

"Stop laughing. It's not that funny," I said.

"What were you thinking about?" she asked me.


"Tell Me," she demanded. I sighed.

"You. I was thinking about your soft pink lips. I was thinking about your breathtaking smile." I said slowly leaning in towards her. Her cheeks were turning slightly red. " I was thinking about how your lips felt on mine". And with that I crashed my lips on hers. I cupped her face with my hands. The butterflies in my were stomach going crazy and the spark from the contact was running all through my body.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I placed my arms on her waist pulling her closer to me. I don't know how long we were kissing until I heard her phone ring. She reached out to take her phone, withdrawing one of her hand from my neck. I groaned and took her hand and placed it on my neck again. She giggled. After a while, we pulled away and we both were out of breath. She giggled, showing off her dimple. I poked her dimple, which caused her to giggle more.

"Cute" I said.

"Cheesy" said Darcy.

"But you love it" I said pouting. She blushed.

"I think it's pretty late. The boys will be waiting for you," she said looking at the clock.

"I told that I'll be staying at her house today"

"Huh?" she asked amused.

"I'll sleep on the couch?" I said trying not to sound desperate.

"It's okay. You can sleep in the guest room. There is a bed. I'll bring you some blankets." She said standing up and I stood up with her.

She walked over to her room and I followed her. She opened her cupboard (or wardrobe) and took out some blankets. I walked towards her and she turned around to look at me. I was tempted to place my lips on her again but she spoke up.

"You are going to sleep in your jeans?" she asked.

"No, I have some spare clothes in my car" I said. She laughed.

"Seems like you got everything planned out" I nodded.

"Anything for you, my baby girl" I winked at her and she blushed. Aw.

"I'll go grab it and be back in two minutes" I said and walked out of her door to grab my spare clothes.

Darcy's P.O.V.

I was tossing and turning around in my bed trying to sleep. But the fact that Niall was sleeping in the opposite room right next to mine kept me wide awake. I know he'll already be in a deep sleep. He is a sound sleeper. He sleeps really well. He can sleep anywhere, anytime. I'm totally opposite. Sleep is the only problem for me at night. I'll give anything to have a dreamless sleep a night. But every night I have a dream that I won't remember the next day. I hate that. I looked at the clock in my night table and saw that it was 1:00. I sighed.

I suddenly heard my door open and I jumped.

"Darce?" I relaxed at the familiar voice.

"I thought you were asleep"

"I can't" he said waling over to me. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts.

"Can I sleep with you?" he said, slipping inside the blankets in my bed.

"Did I say yes?" I giggled.

"I know you will not say no," he said. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and sighed. His arms snaked around my waist. I turned around to cuddle beside him.

"Good night, Niall" I whispered.

"Good night, Darce"


So, hey. i hope ya'll like this chap.

AND...... Today is Lou's b'day. YAY.


i dunno hw im going to survive till they come back after their break. But they also deserve the break. They have done amazing things for us and i can't thank them enough.

And also merry Christmas.

Hope you all enjoy the day with ur family.

Pls vote and comment

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