Chapter Fifty Six

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Darcy's P.O.V.

"Get away from me, you prick" I spat at the guy with the long hair. He barred his yellow teeth at me, trying to scare me. I recoiled not because he was scary but because he really stinks.

I was about to make a sarcastic comment about it but his other ugly friend waved him off.

"Stop it" he told the long haired one.

I shot him a glare, trying my best to be brave but I was crumpling inside. I was utterly clueless as to why I'm here. I gained my senses moments before and my head is killing me. These guys were staring at me creepily when I woke up and their lack of response to my threatening questions are not helping either.

My hair was bedraggled and it was matted to the left side of my head and from the stickiness I feel, I think the left side of my head is bleeding. My hands are bound and the rough rope was cutting into my wrists each time I struggled against it.

The ugly one started walking towards me and with each of his step, the size of the pit in my stomach was rising. The room was dark, a single flickering bulb illuminating the hollow space. When his boot hit the ground, hollow thuds echoed around the room. I limply tried to use my knees to maneuver myself away from him. But it was useless. My knees hurt badly from sitting in this position for too long. I bite back my whimper when the ugly one kneels down in front of me. His eyes are now level with mine. I look away from that horrid face. If that guy stinks then this guy is the real definition of stinking. I wonder how long it's been since they took a bath. Really long, I guess.

His dirty finger touch the corner of my left eye and I visibly flinch. He and his long haired friend chuckle hoarsely, trying to sound like evil. But I felt like they were trying not to gag on their own smell.

"I'm not gonna lie, you're a real beauty" he whispered and when his breath hit my face I tried so hard not to choke.

His finger trailed down my face and when he brought it near my lips I was planning on biting down on his finger even though I'm sure he would've stuffed it inside garbage.

He thought better of it and didn't bring his hand near my mouth. I shook my head and jerked away from him, trying get away from that filthy piece of shit.

He laughed that gag-like laugh again, and I resisted the urge to spit on his face.

"You can't get away from us. It's only me, my friend and this sexy girl here tonight", laughed the ugly one.

I tried to stand my ground but it was getting harder by the minute. My mind was going through different scenarios what will happen if I'm stuck with these psychos tonight. There were looking at me like I'm a prey. My whole body trembled when he grabbed the collar of my shirt. I wanted to scream but the breath caught in my throat. His fingers moved to the first button on my shirt. I was trying to remember all the kidnapping movies I've ever seen. But nothing will come to my mind now. I was frozen, shocked with disbelief. How did I get into this situation. My only last hope was to beg them. If me begging them will stop them doing anything to me, then I'm ready to do anything.

"Plea-" I spluttered and was interrupted when the door hidden in the dark burst open. A group of shadows were standing in the doorway, blocking the moonlight from entering the room. The ugly one jerked his finger away from my shirt like it was on fire. I should've been relieved but the alarm bells in my head were going crazy. I don't know if the shadows are good guys or bad guys. If they're good I might have a chance in escaping. If they're bad guys, then I'm doomed.

I stifle the scream that is about to rip from my throat and try to steady my breathing. A gang of men walk into the room and by their looks it like I'm going to be doomed.

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