Chapter Eleven

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     'What do you mean? Of course, I like you' I wanted to say, but I didn't. I was speechless. I did not expect him to ask such a question. Does that mean he has feelings for me? Maybe that is why he is asking me. Why does he want to know?

    I was staring at him and he was looking back at me, patiently waiting for my answer. But I had no answer. So many things were running inside my head. All I did was sit there and stare at him like an idiot. Of all the things that was going in my mind, I said one stupid and idiotic word.

"What?" I blurted out, still staring.

"You heard me" was his only reply.

Louis came down the stairs to save me.  I thanked God in my mind. I walked up to him.

"Oh, you found the movie?" I tried to ask casually but failed.

"Yeah, you alright?"

"Yes, I'm good. I just need a glass of water. I'll go fetch it myself"

"Okay, I'll get the movie started" he said and went and knelt down in front of the of the TV to insert the CD.

     I went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and poured myself a glass of water. I thought Niall would follow me here but fortunately he didn't. I breathed a sigh of relief and wondered what to answer him when he asks me again. He did not look like he is going to drop that subject. He'll surely bring it up when we are alone. Maybe I should avoid the times where we are alone.

I walked out of the kitchen, my face facing the floor, so that I cannot meet his eyes. Louis came and grabbed my hand and pulled me down to sit near him in the couch.

"Oh God" Louis said .

"What?" I asked confused.

"POPCORN!!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, yeah. Popcorn is really necessary for a movie night" Niall said as he sat down to my right. He turned to me and smiled. I returned it. He reached to take my hand but then decided against it and kept his hand to himself. I really wished he would take my hand. I wanted to tell him that he could take my hand but I kept my mouth shut.

    The movie was playing but I didn't pay attention to it totally. I was thinking about Niall. Maybe he does have some feelings for me. Maybe he feels the same way I feel about him. But I could not fall in love with him. I am not allowed to. Because this is my job and I love it more than anything. If Colin finds out that I am dating one of the boys, he will surely fire me. And I don't want that. I know it is stupid of me to think that Niall will ask me out. I don't want to think about him in that way. But I cannot help myself.

     My job is the only thing I should be having in my mind right now. I want to start a parlor on my own. I also want to move into my own apartment. Since, I'm living with my parents right now. I love my career more than anything. I have sacrificed many things for it. I could not let go of it just because of a silly crush I have on this amazingly handsome boy. I think I would get over it pretty soon. I'm only 19. I have lot more things in my life I have to achieve. I should focus on my career right now.

   If Niall asks me again. I would tell him this. I nodded to myself and tried to concentrate on the movie. The popcorn we had in the bowl is already emptied by the three of us. We had our legs up in the coffee table. Hangover 2 started playing and Louis started dozing off in the middle. I smacked his head lightly.

"Louis, idiot. Stop dozing off" I said poking his stomach playfully. He groaned and shifted.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up" I whispered in his ear giggling. He groaned again but sat up straight and continued watching the movie. Twenty minutes later, I heard him snoring. I laughed. He was so cute. No wonder, they nick named him Boo Bear.

      To my right, Niall was wide awake, staring intently at the screen and laughing at funny scenes. After a while I found myself laughing along with him.

     Again, I wanted to hold his hand. I could not take it anymore. But if I took his hands, he will mistake me and think that I like him. Now couldn't care less.

   I reached out and took his left hand in my right. He looked at me kind of taken aback. I wanted to give him an explanation but I was not in the mood to talk. I just want to spend my time alone with him in silence. We are not really alone here. I looked to my left and saw that Louis was sound asleep. I turned back to Niall.

"I'll explain in the morning, please" I said.

He just nodded. I felt relieved. I don't us to be awkward. I just want us to be back to normal again where I would have silly fights with him and he would tease me back. Even though holding his hands right now felt kind of awkward, I liked it.


Next chapter is Harry and Rose's date at the carnival. I'm looking forward to writing it.

I'll update it asap. Hope ya liked this chap.

Question for the day: If you have to eat only one dish for a whole year, what would you eat?

I'm not sure because I love all kind of dishes. LOL. I eat a lot. Okay, leave the answers in the comments.

Luv u all<3 Keep commenting and voting.

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