Chapter Six

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I entered the room without waiting for a reply. I went and kneeled down in front of him and placed my hand on his knee. He looked up at me again and closed his face with his hands shaking his head.

"Niall?" I kept my voice soft.

"I really liked her" he crooked.

"I can see that, Niall. As much as it hurts for me to tell this to you right now, she does not deserve you Niall. You are too sweet and caring for crying over someone who is a total biscuit" I huffed.

"Biscuit?" he was confused.

"Yes, meaning bitch" I told him somewhat sheepishly and he started to laugh. I laughed too. It was so good to hear him laugh again. His pain disappearing in that pleasant sound.

"So, stop it okay? She is not worth it" I placed my hand on his knee and looked into his eyes which were pulling me in.

"You think so?" his voice cracked, he so badly wanted to believe me. I squeezed his knee.

"I know so" He smiled. That smile that makes every girl melt. It melted me too.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"For what?"

"For ruining the moment back down there. Everyone was having a good time." Niall sighed.

"No, I'm sorry. I was the one who spoiled your mood by asking that stupid idiotic question"

"I'm glad you asked that question. Now my heart feels light." he smiled, his eyes crinkling at the edges, which took my breath away for a second.

"I'm glad it does" I told, trying to keep myself from falling into his trance. 

"I've always been waiting to find my soul mate and I'm still waiting. I'm not sure if I'll ever come across the one of my life" he looked down, his fingers running through his hair and messing it up.

"You know what, Niall? You'll find her when you stop looking" I told him and he looked up at me again. 

"Really?" he asked doubtingly.

"Yes, really. Now come on let's go back down there." I tugged at his arm and he obliged.

"Yeah, right. I have to pay for what I did."

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. However, walking out on your friends is a bad thing. I am sure they will understand"

"Yeah, they sure will"

"Now, let's go and have some fun"


I stood up and we went downstairs. Everyone was in the hall, talking quietly. They looked at us weirdly. More like, surprised. I looked at Lara. She had her eyebrows raised. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Did I have something on my face? I lifted my right hand to see if I had anything on my face. That is when I realized it. Niall and I were holding hands.

I let go of his hand reluctantly. Fifth embarrassing moment of the day, I thought.

"Why don't we start playing truth or dare?" I asked them as if nothing happened.

"Oh, yeah. Sure" Lara said nodding to me. I sighed.

"I'll go grab the bottle" Louis said and stood up. Then he turned around to look at Liam.

"What? I didn't move a muscle," Liam said.

"Come with me" Louis ordered Liam.

"Aw, Mate. Come on." Liam whined.

Louis glared at him. "OK, fine. I'm coming" Liam gave in and stood up. We all laughed.

Louis proudly walked with Liam to the kitchen. They came back two seconds later. When I was about to sit near Niall, Louis said," Come sit near me, Darcy."

I looked at Niall. He raised his eyebrows. "No, she sits near me" he said and pulled me down beside him.

"You leave me no choice mate," Louis said and sat it Niall's lap.

"Ow, come on. Go sit on the other side" Niall whined.

"Oh right" Louis said and came to sit near me in the right side of the couch.

One Hour later

Everyone was laughing clutching his or her stomach, except me. I have been getting dare all the time and Louis is the one who decides to give me a dare and believe me, it isn't easy. Once He told me to give him piggyback ride. For which of course, I said no and he made me pour a glass of water on my own head. Now I'm standing in front of my friends with wet hair and looking like an idiot. That is why they all are laughing because I got dare again.

"Why don't we make an exception this time and ask Darce a question?" Harry asked.

"That is a good choice," I pointed out.

"I'll ask her the question" Harry said, intertwining his fingers and placing them on his lap.

"OK, Go ahead mate" Liam said.

Harry cleared his throat. "Who do you honestly think is really hot in this band?" He asked showing off his dimples.

"Just remember, Rose is sitting right next to you," I said.

"I know but answer me first"

"Eve-" I started.

"You're not allowed to say everyone or none. You gotta tell anyone" Niall interrupted. I narrowed my eyes at him and said, "You, You. You will not be the one. Stop dreaming"

"Darcy's gonna say that it is me. Aren't you Darcy?" Louis asked giving me a goofy smile.

"In your dreams, Tomlinson." I scoffed.

"I think in all honesty. Before meeting you guys face-to-face. I thought harry was pretty hot" I said shaking my head and feeling embarrassed. Seriously? This is the sixth time. These guys are so perfect; they make me feel embarrassed all the time. Not that the embarrassing thing is new to me. I'm just saying.

"Yay, I win" Harry exclaimed.

"Really, Darce? You don't think I'm hot?" Louis asked fake pouting at me.

"Shut up, Lou. I'm fed up with this game," I said and I sat down.

"I think it's time for us go home" Rose said standing.

"Yeah, we better get going before I rip off Louis's head" I said.

"Darcy? You're not mad right?" Liam asked concerned.

"Nah, I'm just kidding. I had the great time in the world with you guys. I'll see you tomorrow," I said as I hugged him.

Harry said that he would drop Rose in her apartment. Niall offered to drive Lara and me to my home. She planned to sleep in my house tonight and called up to tell her mom. We got into Niall's car and rode off and saying our goodbye's to one another.

This sure was an amazing night. Well, of course, if you leave out the embarrassing moments.


personally Harry is my favorite. that is why mentioned him as hot in the story.

No offence to Louis or others. It was just fiction.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. I have a question for you guys?

What is favorite lyrics in MADE IN THE A.M.? Leave your answers in the comment below.

With all my love, 


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