Chapter Thirty Seven

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Darcy's P.O.V.

What the f uck?


Niall's face was red with anger. Me and Louis exchanged shocked glances. Before I turned to around face him, he took two long strides and launched himself on Louis.

"You f ucking bastard" he shouted causing me to flinch.

I was in complete shock. I did not expect this to happen. Louis groaned as he got punched in the face again by Niall.

"She f ucking belongs to me" he yelled again.


I rushed to them. I put my arms on Niall's shoulder.

"Niall, I can explain. Please calm down" I begged him. He took no notice of me as he launched his fist on Louis's stomach this time.

The worst thing was Louis was not even defending himself. He let Niall beat the shit out of him.

I stood there trying to wrench Lou out of Niall's grasp but to no avail.

"Stop it" I yelled.

Niall paused qnd turned around to look at me. His eyes were red.

"Why are you over reacting for such a stupid thing? I thought you had some sense at least"

"Stupid thing, huh?" He let go Lou, who slumped to the floor. I helped him up and sat him in his bed. His lip was bleeding and a bruise in his face. I'm pretty sure that he also developed a bruise in his stomach. Everything happened so fast that I thought Lou was pretty beaten up. But he is not worse like I thought he would be. I sighed.

"How long has this been going on?" He asked. His hands formed fists at his sides.

"What do you mean?" I snapped.

"I asked 'how long has this been going on?' "

"Shut up"  I've had enough.

"I need to talk to you Darcy"

"Not right now" I said examining Lou's face for any other bruises.

Thankfully, none other than that.

Niall got hold of my wrist and pulled me up harshly. Before I could respond he dragged me out of the room.

His hand held onto wrist firmly that it hurt.

"Niall" he did not respond but instead continued dragging me along, I realized to his room.

Once we reached his room he pulled me in and locked the door.
I folded my arms across my chest. "What do you want?" I asked trying to remain calm. I am mad at him. Like really mad.

He did not pause for one second to think before he acted. What he did was really stupid. I will just say that he is definitely over reacting. He did not even care to ask what happened before beating Louis up. I am greatly disappointed in him. I thought he would act wise.

"Explain" he said in a calm voice. His hands were fisted and folded across his chest, mirroring me.

"Oh, now you care to ask me what happened"

He glared at me.

"Should've asked before beating the shit out of him" I snapped in response to his glare.

"He is your friend. How could you do this to him? He is hurt"

"Even now you only care about him" he snapped losing his temper.

"What? Of course. He is my friend and I care about him" I said.

"What about me then, huh? Am I also just a friend to you?"

My hands fell to my sides as I stood there dumbstruck.

"Answer me, Darcy" he said when I did not answer.

I still stood there spell bound. I am not sure about my feelings to him yet. Maybe I am just too scared about risking my job. Again, before I could respond he spoke up.

"Did  you ever for a spilt second think how much it would've hurt me. Every day and night I spend my time wishing you would say 'I love you' back to me but you never did.

And now I see why. If you ever had feelings for him then why hang around with me? Why kiss me and say that you miss me when I'm gone? Why sleep with me at night and hold onto me tight when you wake up from your nightmare"

I flinch slightly when he mentions about my nightmares. I don't like to talk about it to anyone but him. I have told him my dreams and now he is using it against me.

"Is that because you were roping him in?" He asks and my eyes widen.

"Were you using me to-" he stopped when my palm came in hard contact with his cheek.

"I never thought that you would think so low of me. I thought you understood me but no" I whispered quietly staring into his eyes which was filled with guilt.

I was hurt by his words.

I pushed him aside and unlocked the door. I stepped outside and started walking towards the top of the stairs.

"Harry? Liam? Can you please come up? Its urgent please" I called out.

"Coming" I heard Harry yell.

They came upstairs and I told them what happened. Their eyes widened in shock and now I feel so guilty about being the reason for two best friends to fight.

We walked to Lou's room and we helped him with some first aid. When Liam commanded Lou to take his shirt off, we found out that he did have a pretty bad bruise there too.

Harry's P.O.V.

"Darce, you seriously don't have to do it" I said when she dropped the comb time for the third time. 
Her hands were trembling and she was only talking in whisper. She would not tell us what Niall told her. When we asked Niall, he too refused to answer us and shut himself in his room.

"No, its okay" she whispered as she continued combing through my hair. I sighed in defeat.

After a while she was finished and I examined myself in the mirror.

I looked good.

"Aw, its awesome. Thank you so much" I hugged her and pinched her cheek playfully. She giggled softly.

"No problem, Haz" she replied softly and I grinned.

"Go get your girl"

"I will"


I was driving along the road humming to the coldplay song on the radio. I was tapping my feet in anticipation as I neared her house. Finally, I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend and she would be mine. All mine.

I grinned widely at that thought.
I was snapped out of my trance when I heard someone honking wildly. The next thing I knew, my car jerked and hit a post violently and I heard my phone ring before all I saw was black.


Dont b mad at me. Im sry.  :( U gotta wait fr the nxt update.

Cumin back to #Narcy.
Poor Darcy.

Do u think Niall is over reactin?

Pls lemme kno. ;)

Dont forget to comment, vote and share.

With all my love,


A.M. (A Niall Horan Fanfic) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt