
I fingered Riptide. "No."

"Welcome!" another bearded man with crazy hair said. "Checking in?"

I nodded slowly.

"Huh. Well... Died pretty early. But we have your room ready. We've upgraded you to a suite."

Hunding mumbled something next to me, but I decided to let it pass. The man eyed me.

"I'm Helgi." he handed me a stone engraved with a single viking rune. "Would you like the minibar key?"

I pondered on it for a moment. "Yeah."

He handed me the minibar key.

"Hunding will show you to your room. Enjoy your afterlife!"


"You're exeptionally calm about this."

I looked around. "Yes."

He didn't sat anything. I saw many hotel guests- all about my age or older. They were in small groups, chatting in different languages. I tried to keep my panic under control. I glanced at the buff female women serving breakfast. I looked at the axes and decided not to mess with them. For once that I wasn't sick, I felt a bit hungry, but I was too worried to eat.

"... This place is pretty nice for people who are dead."

"It's for the einherjar. The once warriors, who fought bravely and will fight bravely again on Ragnarok."


He flinched at my tone. "Of course." he said quickly.

Again..... For people I didn't even know. I hope I would get out of this place soon. I spotted a few wolves pulling a corpse away but decided to ignore it.

"Where am I going?"

"Floor nineteen. Good hallmates!"

The elevator door opened and I looked around the spacious hallway. There was about 50 feet apart on every door. There weren't any doorknobs, just a plate size iron circle inscribed with a name surrounded by runes.






"Yes. He's pretty new- a son of Frey. Know him?"

I shook my head.

He led me to a room with my name.


I scowled at my full name. He pressed the stone against the circle and the door opened.

It took my breath away.

Sand. Sand as white as snow- and as soft as cotton. It shifted comfortably under my shoes.

Why Me?(Third book of Call me Omega)Where stories live. Discover now