Uiara hissed and nodded her snake head. The river where we popped out was deep enough to be able to swim in so Edward and everyone else to run behind us along the river bank. I stayed on red alert as we ran, well they ran and I rode. I almost wanted to laugh but I was too terrified. Sure during the week I’d been here I managed to fight one black eyed being but not this many. I can almost sense them. And I sense we are out numbered two to one. Edward squeezed my thigh, warning me. I flicked the stupid breathing thing on and shut my eyes the exact moment we dived into the water. I slowly opened my eyes and squinted against the damned water. I had to make sure everyone followed us. Once I was sure they did I closed my eyes and gripped Edward tighter. He was swimming at a fast speed, super fast, then he suddenly slowed. I didn’t want to open my eyes, if we were in trouble he’d squeeze my thigh. We continued swimming for what seemed like ours. Then I suddenly felt less pressure. I opened my eyes franticly and fumbled with the mouth piece. It was out of oxygen. I took it out and threw it out to the side. Edward looked back at me sensing my distress. I hit his back, I was low on oxygen. Dangerously low. He nodded and picked up his speed but with the other’s he couldn’t go very fast. Stupid werewolves just had to hate water, especially being submerged under water for a long period of time.

            I turned my head back to look at everyone else a lot where close behind but a lot more where far behind. I caught my brothers eyes and Dion’s. They knew I was in trouble. I let out a few bubbles of oxygen and closed my eyes again resting my head between Edward’s shoulder blades. He squeezed my thigh making my head and eyes snap up. We were here I could see it. He swam at his full speed and abruptly let go off my legs. I let go of his neck and he was gone. I let the rest of my oxygen float away as I swam towards the light. I knew I was out from under the rocks the moment I could actually see what was around me. I penetrated the surface and frantically searched for air.

            Once my lungs were satisfied I made for land. I took off my button down plaid pink shirt and threw the soggy thing on the floor landing with a loud wet splat. I did the same with my denim shorts, I was suddenly glad I hadn’t wore shoes this morning. I was left in my pretty string-tie baby pink bikini. I looked around deciding if I should light the candles on the walls or not. I didn’t. Instead I grabbed the Gryffin ash and quickly started making a large circle with it that would touch both side walls. I hadn’t even laid much ash on the ground when everyone popped out. All of them just starred at me, probably in shock of what I’m wearing.

            “Hurry now. To the wall.” I said pointing to the wall directly in front of them.

            “Why? What are we doing here?”  Mat asked looking around.

            I growled. I was completely terrified and if this didn’t go down like I want it to everyone was going to die and he wanted to ask questions? This is the one thing I defiantly did not miss from back home. I stomped over to him and grabbed him by the collar lowering him to my level. “I’ve learned a lot in a week, Buddy. I could kill you right here and now if I wanted to.” Someone snickered making me more infuriated. “I’m sick of always having to answer you god damn question when I’m so fucking sure of what I’m doing. I don’t question every thing you say because I trust you. So for once in the one and a half months I’ve known you could you please not fucking question my god damn orders!?” I screamed at him. He flinched slightly but stayed in place. “I’ve saved your life already at least four times and I obey your orders like a good little sister. But god damn it! I’m the one who has the power to kill son’s of bitches and this time you can’t protect me so keep your questions and comments to yourself because I don’t want to hear shit from you. Any of you until we survive this.” I said menacingly. I let go of his collar and Everyone practically ran to the other side of the cave. Edward held my eyes for a while before taking the ashes I didn’t argue because just as he took them Uiara came up.

            Slowly she transformed back into her mortal self. I heard sounds of shock and amazement but ignored them. “Their right behind me!” She screeched running to the other side of the room. Edward was at the mouth of the cave were we all came up already done with the ashes.

            A bald head popped out of the water followed by a massive scar on the mans right eye. I looked away and told Edward to get to the other side. I cautiously stepped into the circle and slowly stepped back. The bald man only smiled at me and followed my every step. I heard sounds of a struggle and I heard people trying to tell me to get behind them, I ignored all of them. I didn’t once look away from the man. As long as he didn’t notice the ashes and no one messed them up, I was safe. I think. God I hope this works. I continued back until I felt the ashes behind my foot. I stood still and let the man step foreword. Once he was finger tip length away I stepped out of the circle and took two extra step. I stopped letting him get closer then I continued stepping away. I kept stepping back until I came in contacted with someone’s chest. I froze and focused on the man.

            He thought he won.

            “Don’t worry. I won’t enjoy this, as much as you think.” He grinned and took another step, at least he tried. He looked at me confused and looked at the floor. He froze. Slowly he began looking around him. His eyes followed every part of the circle around him. He hissed. His head sharply turned to me. He was positively seething. “You dare try to cage me?” He boomed.

            “Cage you? Dear god, never.” I replied innocently. I sounded more sure of myself than I felt. My heart was calm. My breathing even. Stature; I was standing up straight, shoulders back, chin held high, feet slightly apart.  What the hell, I couldn’t help question myself.

            He smirked. “Wait until I get out of here. I’ll make sure to make your death memorable.”

            Oh my god, oh my god. Oh. My. God. I chuckled and stepped closer. I felt a restraining hand on my arm. “Who said your getting out?” I whispered.

            I racked my brain for the words in the journal and began chanting. It was low. Lower than a whisper. Almost inaudible. I wasn’t even sure words were leaving my mouth, but I knew they were as soon as I saw the black eyed beings cringing and whimpering and screaming and trashing. Then, suddenly, everything went quite. Then the ground began shaking. Crushed rocks began to fall from the ceiling. Then it sounded like there was this, fierce wind but I couldn’t feel any wind. I looked back to the black eyed beings. A dark dirty black smoke began to pour out of their mouths, noses, eyes, and ears. Then just as suddenly as it started, it ended. Bodies now lay motionless in the circle made of ashes. For a few minutes we simply starred at them. Dion suddenly stepped up and went to the check the pulse on the bald man. Dion took his hand away and starred up at me.

            “Their dead.”


Sorry I haven't been able to upload anything. I've had this written for a while already but i never got a chance to upload it with my surgery and stuff.

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