Chapter 23

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That day, the next day, and the weekend passed in a blur. Mat completely forgave me, or let it pass, for my whole singing and provocative dancing the other morning. In fact he was so happy he offered to take me shopping and lug my bags around. Now I don’t know about you but when I have to do a shopping spree and someone offers to lug my bags around I’ll take them up on the offer.

I took Mat in and out of stores. I picked out clothes I liked and threw them into his arms. I pulled him to a dressing room and grabbed the clothes out of his arms and hung them up. I tried out every item of clothing and modeled them in front of him. I think he was getting uncomfortable by the looks he was getting from the other girls in the stores. Every time I went to check out the check out girl would flirt with my brother. A couple of them were bold enough to give him their number while I was standing right in front of them. Of course Mat was too gentlemanly to even take the number from their hands so I would do one of these.

“Oh. He’ll call,” and take the piece of paper out of her hand and stick it inside his pant pocket.

He’d just look at me funny but take the bags and run out the door. We joked around some and made our way to the food court. I made our order as he found us a table. I grabbed the food and made my way to him.

“Thanks for taking me shopping.” I said giving him his food. “I know I’m a hard person to shop with.” I said smiling innocently.

He snorted. “The toughest person, yes. And you’re welcome.”

I laughed. I took my seat across from him and started eating. This was the first time we’ve been able to sit down and not talk about fighting or any such thing. This might be the only time I have to ask questions. “So…. Are all….” I looked around and leaned in, “vampire’s pale?”

He looked around before answering. “No. We all have the same color as we did when, and if, we were human.”

I turned my head in confusion. “If?”

“Yes. Not all vampires are turned. Many more are born vampires than turned.”

“They can have babies?”

He laughed. “Yes. There are many myths.”

I nodded my head. “Sunlight doesn’t kill you?” He shook his head. “Make your sparkle?” He glared at me.

“Only if you’re a fictional wuss.” I laughed. He seemed so insulted. As if it damaged his dignity.

“Okay. So you can have kids and sunlight does nothing.” I repeated for confirmation. “I’m pretty sure garlic doesn’t do anything.” He nodded. “Hmm.. What else?” I thought some. “Do you age?”

“If you are born as one, yes. You age until you are 18 then you age every hundred years. If you are turned you stay what ever age you were when you were turned.”

“What about werewolves? Do they age normally? I’ve seen a couple of the werewolf’s fight in human form. Why don’t they change?”

“Werewolves age normally. That is until they gain their powers. Werewolves are much more complex creatures than us, vampires.” I nudged him and looked over to the table beside us reminding him to keep quite. He looked over and understandingly nodded his head. “If a werewolves powerful enough it can use all of it’s power and speed with out transforming. Most prefer to transform because it gives them bigger advantages.” I beard my teeth and pretended to claw him. He chuckled. “A werewolf only get it’s power when they’ve gone through powerful emotional changes. Most of them change some time during puberty. Early teen’s, seventeen at the latest. Before you ask they don’t only change on a full moon. That’s not to say don’t get strong urges on the full moon.”

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