Chapter 29

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I woke to the sound of heavy foot steps marching into my room. Glass clanked against silver and a soft thud came from beside my head. A hand set it’s self on my head before disappearing. Foot steps lead away from my room and the door closed. I was left alone in my solidarity. I opened my eyes and looked around. On my bedside table was a tray. On the wooden tray was a bowl of tomato soap, crackers, orange juice, and chocolate. I sat up and feed my self. I felt like I hadn’t eaten for day’s. Once I was finished I washed up, changed into some clean clothes, and headed down stairs. I put the tray in the kitchen and followed the noise to the messy living room.

“Who brought food up to me room?” I said smiling by the door.

“How are you feeling?” John asked looking at me worried.

I looked at him confused. “I’m fine?” No one ever asked me how I was feeling in the morning. Weird. “Did anyone shut off my alarm clock because now I missed school?”

“You still want to go to school after what happened two day’s ago?” John asked in disbelief.

“Erm… Why wouldn’t I?”

“Probably because you almost died.”

“Umm… No I didn’t.”

“Yes you did. That Phoenix guy saved you.”

“There’s a guy named after a mythical bird?” I laughed.

Everyone starred at me. “You should know him. After all you were the one that called him.” CT said worried.

“I called some guy named Phoenix because.. I was about to die?”

“What’s the last thing you remember?” Dion asked stepping towards me.

I thought back to the last thing I did. “I was on my to buy ice cream.” I said suddenly confused. “How’d I get home?”

“Memory loss?”

“Did she hit her head?”

“Maybe twice but not during that day.”

“Side effect from Phoenix searching her insides?”

“Whoa! Searching my insides?” I screeched on red alert.

They looked at me. “Maybe he erased her memory? You saw his powers. Maybe he also had the power to erase minds.”

“Then why didn’t he erase ours?”

“So that if this happens again we can know to call him?”


“Why just hers? Didn’t they know each other?”

“Think about their conversation.”

“She sounded like she knew what was happening.’

“What do you think they meant by ‘It’s not yet time’.”

I sighed. “Why is it that some how I’m always out of the loop with you guys?” They became quite and looked at me. Something obviously happened and what ever it was caused me to lose part of my memory. I looked them each in the eyes with a confused expression. No one was talking. I find that sort of rude. If I was involved I should know about it. Especially if I’ve lost my memory.

“It’s nothing forget it.” CT laughed. “I can’t believe you were falling for our joke. But if you really can’t remember how you got home you should get your head checked.” The guys laughed with him. I could feel it, there in my gut. Their lies.

“Your lying.” I said accusingly.

CT laughed nervously. “No we’re not.”

“Yes you are.” I said hard. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Are you really going to lie to me?” I spat harshly at him in disbelief.

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