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everything was the same when they threw us back in prison. but something just wasn't right. calum's room was empty.

i'm sure he wasn't released since his case was a lot worse than ours. i came up to the nearest guard that i could see and i sure i startled him, "where's the boy in 743?"

"he's locked up in another room"

"locked up? you mean as in no release?"

"yes" he nodded, "what room is he in?" i was panicking. my heart wasn't at a normal pace.

"199 that's all, dismissed" he said before walking away. i took the stairs straight to room 199, it didn't take me too long since i was quite familiar with all the rooms in the building.

this floor always creeped me out since it was dull and had a cold temperature that could give you goosebumps even if you wore a jacket of a million layers.

i opened the door to 199 without knocking. the door squeaked since it was quite old which gave me that horror movie feel. i wasn't scared, this was calum, my calum.

"cal?" i gasped as i stared on shock at the figure in front of me. he was a mess. his eyes were so dull, he almost looked dead. his skin was dull and somewhat paler than he normally is. he was tied up, he wore the white thing that restrained him from moving his arms.

"calum" i cried, running towards his bed. i sat right in front of him, tears streaming down my face, "getaway from me" he seemed to be begging for space.

"cal, what have they done to you?" i tried reaching for his face to wipe his tears but he moved away. "i'm crazy, you're not safe here with me" he whispered.

"no, baby, i'm safe." i croaked, my throat was so dry from all this crying, "you make me feel safe, you're not crazy" i reassured him.

he finally calmed down and allowed me to wipe the tears out of his cheeks, "you came back?"

"yes" i nodded, looking him straight in the eyes

"i want to hug you so bad," he breathed, "babe i want to keep you in my arms, don't ever leave me again"

"i won't" i hugged him tight, i need to make him feel loved and appreciated like he really is, "i promise, i'm with you"

"am i crazy?"

"you're not, baby, you're not"

"can you give me a goodnight kiss?" he looked at me with hope in his eyes.

i leaned in to kiss his forehead and tuck him in his soft blankets since the temperature was quite low, "mom used to do this to me, mom used to love me" tears started to stream down his face once again.

i couldn't help myself from crying since calum looked so vulnerable and he really did miss his mom. he loved his mom so much. i doubt he did this. i'm sure it was a big mistake. i know to myself that calum is innocent.

"i love you calum"

"mom loved me"

"i love you" i mumbled under my breath before he actually blacked out

"i love you more, auburn"

getaway 〆 calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now