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when midnight finally came, everything was pitch black and silent, the usual group met up somewhere where the cameras didn't work that well. once we get out of here i was going back to my family and if they aren't around i'm going to stick around with my aunt in the city, if not, i'm gonna stick around the crowd.

i took a deep breath as our long adventure was about to start, there were 6 obstacles we needed to pass by without going noticed. the sixth was right in front of calum's room. i wanted to give him one last look before i left completely without him. he had not a soul to return to.

the first camera was on and moving so michael made sure it was blocked by chewing a piece of gum and professionally blocking the cctv with it. typical mike. very typical.

"the signing and picture taking will be done later" he winked at us, "and no flash photography please"

"ok idiot now work on the next camera" the next camera wasn't the only problem, there were 2 guards sleeping on a chair in front of the desk blocking our way.

"we have to be extremely silent on this" michael whispered back at us, "obviously you dumbfuck" matilda hissed as samantha reacted with a giggle which made one guard shuffle in his seat.

"shhh" i hissed back at all three of them, "if we die i just want you guys to know that i fucking hate you all and i'm sorry i used mikey's toothbrush and accidentally dropped it in the toilet" peter babbled on.

michael quickly turned around to look at him with a "are-you-fucking-serious-bro" look and hissed, "what?"

"hmmgrp donut" the guard shuffled once again, mumbling through his sleep. making samantha let out another one of her famous giggled.

"that's it we need to get out of here and peter i'm not forgiving you"

we started to tiptoe around the table the guards were leaning on, sleeping silently. we made sure the camera was the one without anyone watching behind, peter had this cool gadget hacking thing and all that shit. we were the cool kids in this prison, who knew how we got all those stuff in here?

the third camera was moving ever so quickly and michael had a hard time making a move but successfully we crossed it. same with the next two cameras.

the sixth one was obviously off since it didn't have blinking lights on it but i was still hesitant of crossing since it was calum's toom i was staring at. all of them stared at me with a concerned look, "jess we need to go"

"what about calum?" i bit my lip looking straight at his door. i was sure it wasn't locked because that's just calum.

"jess we might get caught here"

"i need to see him one last time. please" i begged, voice cracking as i walked over to his door.

as i touched the knob to open his door, an alarm went off, surely waling everyone up. everyone including guards of course. the others yelled at me frantically not sure of what to do.

my heart was pounding and even my head was banging and it felt like my brain was going to pop out from my head. calum being a heavy sleeper would probably still be asleep so i grabbed my backpack and pulled out a letter i made for him just incase things like this would happen. i quickly slid it under his door praying he'd see it the next day.

"jessie hurry !" i heard michael shout as everyone had easily gotten out of the gate since everyone was busy going to calum's front door since the alarm went off there.

i made one last glance of the prison i once was locked up in and it that moment i'm sure all i could think about was my calum.

my calum?

jess snap out of it

getaway 〆 calum hoodKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat