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at first he was taken aback. maybe i scared him off? but i realize i didn't since he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer only to secure me in a tight hug.

i started bawling like a baby once he wrapped his arms around me. i felt so loved. i clutched his shirt like the way babies clutch their bottles of milk or their candies.

i took in his sent whilst he continued rubbing up and down my back to comfort me.

"baby shh" he murmured, "it's gonna be fine"

"i-i wanna go home, calum"

"who even doesn't?" he sighed. i knew just how much calum wanted to get out of here but i still didn't know why he said he wasn't supposed to be here.

"want me to go get michael?"

"i'll just go to him myself" i insisted. looking up at calum i made a realization that i was such a tiny human being. i barely reached his chin. i'm so short.

he answered with a small 'oh' and a simple nod before giving me one last tight squeeze and letting me go. i immediately longed for his warmth but i had to go visit michael's room because who knows how he'd feel if i don't tell him what's been going on.

"well, just uh, come back if you want to"

on my way towards the door he added, "jess please come back i want to talk"

i nodded once more, surprisingly calum made his way towards my current location and gave me another hug. damn this boy.

"i need to tell you things"


he silently closed the door once i've left for michael's presence. i knew for sure michael was in his room at this time of the day.

"gordon?" i called out, "clifford? you in there?"

"probably not" a voice from the back startled me. michael was there standing behind me looking at me with a slight smirk plastered on his lips.

"do you really want to kill me so bad?"

"just a bit" he chuckled, "you cried didn't you?" his face crumpled into a frown.

"before you say it, this isn't about calum" he sighed in relief to hear my news

"i thought i had to kill a jerk" he let out another sigh, "not that cal's a jerk though, i really think he's a nice kid"

"michael" i mumbled, looking down on my dirty pair of converse. speaking of converse, i only had like 2 pairs of shoes here and i've celebrated like christmas in this jail for 2 times i think?

i miss having dinner with my family.

i miss my family.

"your mom came didn't she?"

a simple expression and michael could tell what just happened to me.

he let me into his room and pulled me in for a tight hug, something i've been receiving a lot lately.

"cal knows?"

"yeah. he wants me back to his place but told me to tell you this first"

"nice guy he is" mike smiled genuinely starting to like calum as well. i'm happy michael doesn't think calum is bad knews. certainly don't want to see my best friend acting all grumpy around my little crush.

i did what michael told me to do after i've told him the whole story including what i'm currently feeling towards calum since i had to tell him everything. he also promised not to tell anyone anyway. i trust mikey a lot.

i quietly sneaked in calum's room seeing as he was lying on his stomach, face squished on his pillow, slightly snoring in his little nap.

i searched for his blanket to cover half of his body knowing how chilly it is in his room.

i ran my fingers through the only little pile of hair left on top of his head before giving him a soft kiss on the forehead.

he looked so comfortable and peaceful while he slept. i wonder how someone as sweet as calum would end up in an ugly place like this. he doesn't deserve any of this.

getaway 〆 calum hoodDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora