Chapter 39

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Happy New Year!!! 
Hugs to everyone. I wish you all a very wonderful and prosperous next year where all your wishes will come true and you find happiness forgetting all your worries and sadness throughout the whole year. 

This is a new year update. I hope you'll enjoy this one. :)


As soon as the taxi stopped in front of this medium sized house in a similar suburb as Emma and Brandan's, Ramona hopped out in a state of hurry. She came to a sudden halt though seeing the condition of the house, it looked abandoned, inviting yet shadowed with a sense of misery. Taking a moment she shook the unexpected feelings away, but when she began walking nearer to the front door they rushed back again and this time not to leave. The stairs creaked as she walked up the porch, she was confused at why Emma would ask her to come here that too so urgently. Earlier when she had gotten the message with the address, she had thought it was of some kind of a bridal shop's, bakery's or something like that. But where she was now, in a forbidden looking - empty house, was quite unanticipated. There were signs of warmth and signs of human touch and affection around the house though, especially the garden in one side made her feel like that although the said garden was now filled with weeds and dried plants.

The door moved open by the slight shove of her knuckles on it when she had just begun to knock. Looking at the ajar door her brows pulled together in shock and confusion. Why would the door be left open like this? Then she thought Emma might already have kept it open for her, the forbidden looking house seemed to not have anything worthy of stealing or the owner didn't care anymore.

The knob was deadly cold under her touch when Ramona pushed opened the door fully.

"Hello?," her nervous voice echoed back to her with no answer. "Emma?"

Rays of sunlight were sipping in through the slight gaps of curtains on the windows, they lit parts of the house dimly, Ramona blinked and spun around slowly walking down in the middle of the large hallroom and noticed how dark some corners were, especially the stairs. 

"Is there anybody in here? Emma?" 

There was nobody in sight and Ramona was halfway to dial Emma's number and ask if she was given the wrong address mistakenly. But footsteps coming down the stairs made her put a pause to that plan, it was probably Emma - she thought and sighed in relief.

She gasped though as the person coming down the stairs slowly was enlightened to her literally. Rays of sun fell on Evan's face, making him seem like an angel appearing out of nowhere at the bottom of the stairs, an angel of distress to be precise. Day old whiskers on his cheeks, his disheveled hair, those dark circles around his eyes - it all accentuated the forlorn emotions in his orbs. Jaws tightened he stood there a good ten feet away from her and looked her way like he was hiding a burden of words inside him that were causing him great pain, still he didn't know how he would let it all out and find solace.

Taking in a shaky breath Ramona closed her eyes briefly, it was beyond doubt that she had been tricked. How and when and by whom actually, she didn't know and she didn't want to know, for now. She just knew that she had to get out of here, before Evan began with his manipulative ways. 

But when she opened her eyes this time, Evan stood right in front of her. So stealthy he was, Ramona gasped in surprise.

"I know that you don't want to listen a word from me... that you want to leave." Evan said with such sadness that it made a lump to form in her throat. It hurt too much to see him so distressed. 

"Can you blame me for that?" In her mind she kept repeating over and over again that it was all pity in his eyes she was seeing but the funny thing was how she herself found her own words hard to believe.

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