Chapter 17

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There's no love more intense then the love a parent has for their kids.

Ramona couldn't actually remember where or when she heard this saying. But she realized it's truth when she placed Julius right next to Evan, half of the kid's body on top of Evan's chest.

Evan rolled to his uninjured side slowly and gathered Julius even closer to his body with his good arm.

Ramona watched how soft Evan's eyes became, a smile of silent apology to his child and relief... and love coated up with deep protection and lots of unsaid but surely there promises shining in his eyes in the forms of unshed tears.

It made Ramona's own eyes teary and heart heavy with adoration as Evan leaned down to place several kisses all over the squirming kid.

Julius grabbed onto the bandage on Evan's forehead making him wince in pain but he didn't care. He was happy and pleased that finally Julius was here and in his arms, that was all that matters. Though Ramona made sure Sylvester arrived with Julius as soon as possible which might be less than half an hour, to Evan it still felt like hours. No one liked waiting, especially if that wait was for a loved one.

Looking up at Ramona, Evan smiled and nodded. A silent gesture of gratitude but that was soon filled with words too. "I'm so grateful to you Ramona, for taking care of my son since the car crash, for being there for him when I wasn't."

Ramona was more used to Evan yelling and screaming around in his fits of anger. So whenever he talked to her like that and showed this side of him which was rare, Ramona couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. "It was just a few days, Evan."

"I haven't kept Julius apart from me for a single night, Ramona. I never trusted anyone to that level to leave my most precious possession to their care. It means a lot to me." Evan said with all sincerity.

He meant it. He meant all the words he said. Ramona didn't have to take care of a little child - feed him, bath him, change his soiled diapers, put him to sleep, keep an eye almost always. It was a huge responsibility and a freaking lots of work to look after a toddler. But she did all that and she hadn't complained or showed irritation to him once since he came back from unconsciousness. Moreover she looked to be quite serene and at a kind of eternal peace when with baby Julius.

It was true that children knew without even knowing how to grab and heal one's soul. And what Evan had been seeing and finding out about Ramona, she had a lots of healing to do.

"Actually, I... it's..." Ramona fumbled for the words while fidgeting a little. "I... love spending time with Julius. I know it's a whole lot of a work but it doesn't feel like it. It's like I could spend a lifetime taking care of this baby and still would want to spend another, just the same way."

She had a dreamy look in her eyes while she finally spoke her heart out, her eyes were trained on little Julius who now seemed to be enjoying the taste of his daddy's hospital gown.

Something flipped inside Evan's heart and he didn't know if it was for the better. Her looking like that at Julius did some terrible, uncomprehendable things inside him. He feared if he would ever be able to recover from this, whatever it was.

Julius on the other hand wasn't liking the silence in the room as much as the adults. It might have seemed too boring to him. And maybe that's why he decided to grab Evan's bandage on his head, this time right over the side where the actual wound was, raw and dully throbbing.

Evan hissed at the suddenness of this innocent attack, his whole body jerked.

Within a moment Ramona was by his side pulling up Julius from him and placing him expertly on his strap up seat. "Is it hurting too much? Should I call the doctor? Evan!"

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