Chapter 15

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First of all thanks to all the lovely people who are voting and commenting. Lara loves you!! :)

This is going to be a very long chapter and I had to stay awake till four a.m in the morning or night. And it's the longest chapter of this story till now, more than 4,500 words. So it would really mean so much, make me happy and appreciate you guys even more than ever if you hit the vote button and drop a comment. 

This chapter starts right after Ramona and Evan's talk in front of the departmental store. The video of the song attached is an essential part of this story, so don't forget to watch it. And you'll best enjoy it after reading the whole chapter and not before. This way it'll help you to connect the events and walk down the memory lane. 

And once again, I don't own any of the videos I attach to my chapter or stories, they belong to their respective owners.

I've blabbered today before the chapter because I don't want to add my two bits after the ending it has. You'll know what I mean as you reach the ending. I just hope you guys like it and not throw shoes at me, if you do than know that I'm wearing my helmet. ;)

Enjoy reading... 



The noise from the TV echoed around in the living room. Oliver was hollering frantically, sometimes in excitement and sometimes in frustrated irritation at the ongoing football match. Sitting in his lap Julius hollered too in his own delightful baby language. Enjoying not what was going on in the TV but the wild excitement of getting to squeal and scream with a very much alike human being.

"Yayy... that's the spirit, shove it up his... behind!! Go boy go..." Oliver was however aware to hold back the profanities and keep it all rated PG.

Julius shrieked matching him as he looked up at Oliver's face.

Looking down at Julius's round eyes, Oliver grinned. "Thank the angels that I'm here to breath some life into this boring house, otherwise your stupid daddy would have raised you to become a grumpy like him gradually."

In reply Julius shrieked again, drool slipped out of his mouth and rolled down his little, flushed chin. Oliver wiped it away with care. His chest never failed to warm whenever he looked at this little boy. This disposition of his insides happened back then too whenever he looked at Sarah and Sammy, Evan's niece and nephew.

Oliver sighed. 

He let himself think, how it would be like to have children, a crazy bunch of them in the future? To have them scream and shout and annoy the living daylight out of him? He would probably teach them all about how to annoy all the other people too, especially that retard of a woman Elli...

Oliver's thoughts trailed off. Suddenly feeling uneasy he tightened his jaw. Thinking about his children and Elli together hit a nerve. It wasn't like she was the love of his life to keep her around him so much in the future. Besides, he would never marry anyway, falling in love was out of the question no matter what he told people. 

His thought process was interrupted when a grumpy and lost looking Evan entered the house. Oliver thought he was now in for the lecture about TV volumes and little kids' eardrums. But was surprised when the expected didn't take place. Evan didn't even seem to notice anything going on in his living room or anyone present there.

It made Oliver furrow his brow. Evan looked different. "Heyyoo, bro!" He called out.

Almost stumbling on his steps Evan halted to a stop as if Oliver's words had just knocked the breath out of him, or maybe it was someone else who had done that to his breathing system before he could.

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