Chapter 28

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The next morning came too soon. And the sleepless people anxious about Ramona's wellbeing sat in the breakfast table. They just sat there staring at the pile of pancakes on their plates that Nora just served.

Nora had taken it upon herself to take care of these houseful of depressed and desperate boys. She had made her decision pretty clear to all after Coralin left for home later last night.

"You guys need to eat something."

As only silence and no movement followed her statement, she looked at all of their faces one by one. Oliver, Harry, Billy and Evan... the whole bunch were under one roof and all of them were talking endlessly on the phone, contacting anyone and everyone they thought would be able to help in the search of Ramona. Billy arrived just moments before dawn and looked like he was about to cry any moment. Not that the others looked any different than him. It broke Nora's heart. And then it broke some more looking at that little boy, Julius. The kid was miserable.

Stealthily, Nora wiped off a tear. She just hoped Ramona would return home already.

Evan sighed. How could he just sit here and eat, when he could almost sense Ramona's distress. She was in serious danger, her life was in danger and there was no way he could eat anything with this haunting reality constantly nudging his mind.

"Excuse me."

He briskly left the table. While leaving he could hear the scraping sounds of the chairs, signaling other were following suit. He went to his room but made sure to check on Julius in his nursery who was sound asleep with tear stains on his cheeks.

Inside his dimly lit room due to the closed curtains of the window, Evan took a long minute to just stand there next to his bed and watch it in silence. A sense of deja vu slowly falling over him. Memory of him and Ramona making love on this bed took control of his mind and heart.

Their passionate embrace, the feel of her silky skin and mouth, her writhing and moaning... and all the moments of that night he took her. Memories. He wanted these memories, this past to be real forever and not this horrid present without her.

He recalled his first night in this town and how the siblings had ended up inside his house, and then every crazy damn thing that followed the morning after. Evan smiled remembering the moment he saw Ramona for the first time, properly, in that little garden of her's. She had put dirt on his clean shirt when they collided. He had been rude to her then, and after that a lot of times too, he counted.

Evan frowned. His rudeness actually knew no bounds, but so didn't her craziness too.

Who knew, to escape his sorrows and loss he would leave his business and home, and come to this little town, only to have a tiny woman crash into him like a steroid. A steroid, that would restore life into him, that would refill him with happiness and hope. Who knew, that tiny little woman with a headfull of blue and pink hair, reeking of alcohol occasionally and hiding scars of unfair past all over her body and soul, was capable of taming the big - bad Evan. She had successfully healed him and conquered a massive chunk of his heart.

Walking over to the bedside drawer, Evan pulled out the little velvet pouch. He settled leaning against the window sill, a few sparkling rays of morning sun fell upon the pouch that held some soil from his wife's grave.

"I thought, I wouldn't feel like this ever again." His voice was solemn, eyes staring at the pouch without blinking. "I believed that your death had made my heart to die at the same moment too, Zess. But I can feel it still here, beating now, for her, for Ramona. That broken... crazy woman had stolen and breathed life into it."

He sighed. "But... I'm in the brink of losing her. I don't know where she is, how she is. I'm so worried sick about what she might be going through."

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