Chapter 22

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First of all, thanks to the lovely people for voting and commenting. I really appreciate you guys. Here's the next chapter and I hope you all will enjoy reading it.



When morning came, like everyday Evan waited for Ramona to come and visit him in this God awful hospital room. Yes, he had gotten that much irritated staying in this place. It felt like imprisonment.

Oliver had been in his room moaning by the sofa. "My body aches Evan. It hurts everywhere, I believe the doctors are lying. There's something really wrong with my kidneys."

Evan ignored Oliver's rant and paced the room, he was thankful that he hadn't got a broken leg like Oliver from the car crash. But he surely didn't feel so thankful anymore when he would try carrying Julius or hold Ramona. His hand hurt like a fuck!

With a sigh Evan plopped down on the sofa rubbing his broken hand with the good one. Ramona's thoughts were spreading their roots deeper in his mind and he'd by now figured it out that it was useless to do anything about stopping this process.

"...that nurse is a witch, Evan, I'm telling you. Who the hell pushes their patient's wheel chair off like that? She's brutal." Oliver continued.

Evan was in the brink of having a strong headache. He turned to glare at Oliver. "Please be quite in this room or leave, Oliver. I'm not interested in your sob story."

"She pushed my wheel chair so hard. She hurt me!"

"Weren't you at fault?" Evan countered.

Oliver looked like he was betrayed. "I was just trying to get Harry a date and the bitch a good time. And you're accusing me? It's not my fault that the ward boy and janitor got inspired too at the end of my speech and tried to seduce her!"

Evan pressed fingers on his temples. At this rate he would soon lose his mind.

The door creaked making Evan look up, his fingers paused their activities on his temples. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. He blinking profusely at the sight of Ramona, she looked well - beautiful than ever. Her hair a normal brownish color, she had gotten rid of all those eye dazzling colors of her hair.

Oliver had left the room not before winking meaningfully at Evan and smiling approvingly at Ramona, the reason behind her changed hair not unknown to them. It was safe to say that Evan didn't even notice Oliver's gestures, his attention was stuck on Ramona and how different she looked without all those blue and pink color on her hair.

She looked innocent and serene. Her real hair, those beautiful brownish tresses of silky mane looked like made for running his fingers through them. All this time Evan found Ramona slowly growing into him since the moment she crashed into his chest in her garden, the very next day after he came into the town. And now, as she was slowly crawling out of her cocoon of fear... Evan found this woman's real self completely and utterly irresistible.

Evan nodded at her to come closer to him and she complied. She was nervous, he noticed as she tucked a strand of her hair, her brown hair, behind her ear. But despite the nervousness she never looked away from his eyes. She stood right in front of him, gazing up at his eyes like a hypnotized woman.

"You look beautiful, your hair... they feel like made for running my hands through them." He spoke his heart out and he spoke honestly.

When he did just what he said and ran fingers through her hair, Ramona exhaled the breath she was holding all the while he was speaking. "Julius likes them too." She whispered breathlessly.

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