Chapter 34

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There are so many ways to humiliate someone, more ways to hurt. It can be one look, one word, or one unknown action that you don't know how much is going to hit into the center of another person's world. It's hard to say how far one's limitless silence can stretch, only coming to an end to cause some destruction.

Ramona woke up sweating. No, it wasn't any nightmare. Lucas's end had gifted her nights that had no horrid nightmares anymore.

It was just the jet lag, and the fact that she was worried about Evan before she drifted off to sleep, waiting for him in the armchair next to the open window.

Ramona scrunched her brows looking around her. How come she was in the bed, under the covers? She clearly remembered sitting over there in the armchair and looking out the window before falling asleep.

Her confusion cleared when her eyes fell on Evan's large frame sprawled out in the sofa quite uncomfortably. His feet dangling out of the sofa, cushions were splattered across the ground around him. She couldn't see his face completely, his one arm was thrown over his eyes that successfully covered half of his face.

Disappointment filled her heart. Why should he have to sleep on the sofa when half of the bed was empty?

It was clear that he didn't want to sleep next to her. But why?

They were making love frequently. Well, not in the last couple of weeks since the decision of this trip to Boston was taken. But it was not like they weren't used to sleep next to each other.

Slowly, and without making any noise Ramona walked to the sofa and stood next to Evan. She knelt down next to him. Lifting up one hand she was about to touch his stubbly chin that was sticking out of the cover of his strong arm. Her fingers only grazed her light stubble, sighing silently she withdrew her hand and clenched it near her own heart.

"Why're you doing this, Evan?"

She whispered very lightly.

"What is my fault?"

His sleeping form didn't move, the words drifted off into the silence of the room. She sat there until his rhythmic, heavy breaths were what she could hear only. Even the tick-tock of the wall clock stopped.

She gave a quick glance to the wall clock which seemed to stop right at that moment in a ghostly way.

Ramona stood up then and making no noise, went out the room, the room Evan and her were supposed to share during their stay here. Emma had teased her about this making Ramona go all red. It didn't help that Evan's niece and nephew overheard and asked a few innocent but humiliating questions afterwards.

Making her way down the stairs, Ramona entered the dining room. The immaculate marble counter-top of the attached kitchen counter made her once again awestruck just like the first time when her eyes fell on it. Emma and Brandan were living in as if royalty.

She turned around from the freeze after fishing out a bottle filled with cold water and was startled at seeing she wasn't alone.

Emma sat cross legged on a chair, her elbows resting on the dining table while eyes were fixed on Ramona.

"Can't sleep, you too? Jet lag or my brother?" Emma asked.

"Both." Ramona dragged out another chair and sat in front of Emma. "Why you couldn't sleep?"

A soft smile spread across Emma's lips. "Just had a nightmare about my wedding dress again. I just can't seem to point out THE dress, even in my dreams. I hope you'll be my lucky charm tomorrow when we go to Carla's Bridal, 'cause so far Elli's just freaked out about Oliver's continuous gate crashes. It was a very memorable incident when Oliver finally got a hold of that girl."

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