Chapter 13: Lovers of Food

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Day: 1.
Time: 10:50.
Location: Dining Hall.
Status: Free Time.

Hideki Ryuga and Orochi Kitagawa sat at a 4 person table. Orochi was stuffing his face with a variety of food, and Hideki quietly nibbled on a white frosted cake. "*Myehh* ~ I could get used to this food!!" Orochi boomed, stuffing more meat into his face. Hideki found himself liking him, his manly demeanour was amusing to him. "Y'know.. Depending on whatever Moneko has planned for us.. I'd like to become better friends with you.. Is that ok?" He said quietly, placing another forkful of frosting in his mouth. Orochi stopped stuffing his mouth momentarily, and looked Hideki in the eyes, brushing his black hair off of his forehead. "Really? Me? Like... You wanna be my f-friend?" He replied, confused. Hideki just nodded, and resumed eating. "Really? No one has ever wanted to be my friend before..." He muttered, off put by Hideki's kindness. "Wow.. I don't know what to say.." He continued, putting his fork down and sitting up straight. "Thanks! I thought I'd be alone here." "Well, now you have me, and everyone else too. You're not as bad as you look." Hideki smiled, for the first time, he smiled. Orochi reddened, and changed the conversation. "So.. Uh. Uh.. What do you think Moneko is going to do at midnight?" He said, resuming eating, but at a much slower pace. "Well.. I honestly can't say. Perhaps it will reveal his plans for us. All I can say for certain is we are trapped here. The boarded up windows and iron plated doors confirm that." Hideki speculated, finishing off the rest of his cake, and wiping his mouth with a frosted stained napkin. "I guess you're right. That sounds accurate... Hey! It's 11:10! We have to be in the theatre at 12... What should we do till then?" Orochi asked. Hideki placed his finger on his chin, staring into space. "Well, I recall spotting another cake in the pantry, I think I'll have that then. Want me to make you another steak?" He said, smiling. Orochi laughed. "Thank you! I'd love one. I'll get myself ready for midnight in the meantime." And with that, the food loving duo separated...

A/N~ Hey guys! So we're so very nearly ready for Moneko's surprise! ^_^ I wonder what it could be... Anyways~ As you can see from the past chapters, friendships and rivalries have developed. Yes, I have specifically wrote it for shipping xD So yeah, yuri and yaoi relations developing woop xDD Make sure to vote and comment if you have enjoyed so far, and if you have a fanfic you'd like me to read, I'd be more then happy! And yes, Hideki Ryuga is L from Death Note, and looks exactly like him, but don't worry, all will be revealed soon! ^_^

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