Chapter 6: Despair Intensified

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Time: 8:55
Location: VR Room
Status: Free Time

On the desk in front of me, a CD on a stand read 'Yuzuki Takahashi's CD' And as instructed, I placed it on the tray, and it slid in the hard drive. The computer hummed to life, switching on immediately. I saw my family, all sitting on a couch. "Congratulations Yuzuki! We're really proud of you!!" My sister shouted, smiling. "Do your best in school love, remember to study!" Mom cheered, and Dad nodded and smiled "Listen to your mother, Yu, and remember to have fun and make new friends!" He called. Then, there was a moment of silence, and the background music, composed of gentle violins, went static, and the screen changed. The lighting was much more gloomy, my family were gone. I saw broken windows, glinting glass scattered across the floor. The armchair was knocked over, and the couch had a massive tear in the centre. Behind the smashed window, I saw smoke billowing in thick pillars, and the faint glow of fire. Like my life itself had been drained, I stared at the monitor, unable to process... Anything.. Then it hit me. This was real. This is happening, and we were trapped. I didn't know if my family was dead or alive, but I know Moneko did something to them. I slowly took off my headphones, stood up, and looked around.

Most of the others had the same expression as me, some crying. Kira walked over to me. "Yuzuki," She whispered. "Who was in yours?" She said, keeping back her tears. "My f-family...." I cried, falling to the floor on my knees. That video couldn't be real... It just couldn't!! I won't let that happen!! Kira immediately helped me up. "I have a feeling... We'll end up like the ones we saw in the video." She continued. I stood up, brushed the dust off my clothes and looked around. Many were crying, so just stared at the black screen, terror in their eyes. Nana pointed to the screen, trying to wipe away her tears. Moneko was on screen, kicking himself with laughter. It looked like he was sitting in a chair, surrounded by the camera feeds of the school, monitoring us. "Looks like you all want to know what happened, don't you? Well... I wonder play around for too much longer. I'll announce my surprise plan for you all at midnight tonight. For now, this is your Free Time. Relax, sleep, explore, do whatever you want! Just remember to be in the stage for 12 tonight, you got that ya punks??" "How do we know where the stage is? Are we to wonder the halls for hours before the clock strikes 12?" Orochi glared. Orochi had a massive build, a menacing look in his eye and anger in his tone. I think I'll try not to get on his bad side. "Gah- forgot to mention, everything you need to know will be in your E-Handbooks, we'll, cya later! I can't wait for tonight, it's going to be so exciting!!" Moneko cheered, and the screen faded.

While everyone was trying to process the current situation in the VR Room, Rei held a brave face, along with Kimiko, Azami and Hideki, all stepped towards the front of the classroom. "Everyone. Please, try to act rationally. We must work together if we are going to get out of here and see our loved ones all in one piece. I believe if this is all going to Moneko's plan, then our school term will properly begin tonight at midnight..." Kimiko said aloud. Rei got ready to speak...

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