Chapter 8: Azami's Discovery

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Time: 9:51
Location: Azami's Room
Status: Free Time

After checking to see of the entrance was still overcome with the mob, Super High School Level Botanist Azami found his 8-Bit tag in the bedroom area. There was no one else around, just an empty silence. During his time alone, Azami had time to think about what he saw on his CD, his grandmother wishing him well at hopes peak, sitting in the Akiyama Botanic Gardens, then the screen changed to the absence of his grandmother, and the gardens were in flames, glass houses shattered and smoke filled the night sky. Azami tried to keep cool, knowing it must be a trick. He turned the handle, and entered. Moneko was lying on the bed, pretending to be asleep. The room was bland, basic and lacked creativity.

Azami: "Uhh.. Hello? You awake?"

Moneko: *Snore* *Snore* *Snore*

Azami looks at Moneko dully.

Azami: "I know you're awake."

Moneko: *Snore*.... "Huh? Ah! Looks like we have the first person to enter their bedrooms! Welcome Azami Akiyama!"

Azami stares uncomfortably.

Moneko: "Since you are the first, I thought I might give ya a tour!"

Azami: "Please. Stop this. Haven't you put us all though enough? I want to go home!! I want to see my family!!"

Moneko takes a step backwards, holding his hands innocently at his waist.

Moneko: "Now now! You're sure to go far with that attitude! If you wanna know how to get home... Well, just he sure to be in the theatre at midnight! Now then, on with the tour!

Azami is taken back by Moneko's cavalier attitude.

Moneko leaped up to grab a hold of the doorknob, barely even managing to hold on. "Want me to get that for you?" Azami offered, brushing aside his green hair. He twisted the door, and it revealed an en-suite bathroom. "This is your bathroom, and seen as you're a guy and all, unfortunately there will be no lock on the door, only the girls get such a privilege, unlucky!" He chimed, waving from side to side. "Lucky you! You've got a shower, toilet, and outside the bathroom there's a miniature fridge, storage units, wardrobe and more for you to find out. Ah- guess I'll keep it all short and sweet, eh? Gotta go! Someone else has discovered something of importance!" He chanted, before scurrying out the door, leaving it open behind him.

The Botanist decided to find the others and regroup...

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