Chapter 5: Recipe for Despair

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Moneko continued to chuckle, holding his stomach with laughter. Naomi was the first to loose her patience. "Hey! Quit that horrid laugh of yours and spit it out already!" She shouted. Geez, Naomi has a really nasty personality, huh? I've seen her in many movies actually, she specialises in romance, and she looks so innocent on screen! Moneko stopped laughing abruptly "I just wanted to let you all know... There will be no classes for the rest of the week!" He smiled, and the gym was filled with melodious chimes of happiness. I saw Reisuke across the gym, his index finger on his chin "Something wrong..?" I whispered to him. He stayed in the same position. Reisuke and I faced off in court many times, him being a prosecutor and me being an attorney, I hear it every day that Rei and I are like a real-life version of Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth. I find it altogether amusing, but Rei and I are actually close friends! It's not a hateful rivalry, but a friendly and fun one! Its good to see someone I know here. I didn't even see Rei when I first came into the gym, and that's why I thought I had no friends here. Rei stopped thinking quietly. "Now then, Taka, isn't it time I asked Moneko some questions? Something strange is going on here..." He pondered, and I nodded. Rei calls me Taka as in Takahashi, my last name. "I'd like some answers here too, go ahead!" I nudged him.

"Attention! May I have a moment of silence please? Thank you. Now, Moneko, I need to ask you a few questions. Please answer them truthfully if you will." said Reisuke. Moneko nodded hesitantly. "S-sure! I don't mind!" "Very well then. Question one; What is your true identity?" "Uh..... U-uhhhhhhhh.... Guess you'll have to find out, won't you?" "That's not an answer." "It is in my book..." "Question 2; Why won't you reveal your identity?" "Great question! Sooooo great that I simply don't have an answer for that right now, try again!" Whilst this was unfolding, the whole class stood, intently listening to the questions they've been longing to ask. "Very well. Question 3; Why is the school boarded up with steel panels and iron plates?" At this, several students who were alarmed at this ran out to check if that was true. "Well... They're for protection. Ahh, I don't mind that got out, bound to happen some time, am I right?" 'Wh... What?!? We're boarded up here?!' I thought. At this, the remainder of the students rushed out of this gym now, all except for Reisuke, Kira, Reiko, Azami and I. "Rei, I think you're causing a panic." I whispered, yet he looked Moneko dead in the eye. I was getting more and more scared by the second. I really didn't like what was going on here...

The venturing students returned, panic in their expression. "There's no way out!!" Kenji gasped. Alarmed, I burst through the doors to see if it was true. The hall which I had arrived in was boarded up with steel panels, all windows coated in steel, large bolts fastened them shut. 'What in the world...' I though, unable to process this new revelation.

Moneko had disappeared when I arrived back in the gym. The other students frozen to the ground in shock. "All right, if no one else will start, I might as well... I propose to hold a meeting to discuss what is going on" Chizuki suggested. Everyone agreed, trying not to cause another uproar. "Uhh... Can I ask... D-did any one else wake up in a classroom?" Tsubaki whimpered. The others agreed, scared and confused. "No. I walked in through the entrance this morning..." I said, unsure why I got unique information that the others did not. "Strange. You also said you had met Moneko before. Why only you... Could it be?" The otaku pondered. "That YOU are the one behind all of this?" .... 'Huh? NO! How could I be?!' "No! Of course not! Why would I even..." I tried. "Yeah! I agree! Are you behind all of this?" Kaito fumed. "NO!! I.. Uh.. I can prove it with this!" [Select what? ; [Student ID] [Attorney Badge] [Keep silent]... "This! [Presents attorney badge] See this? This means I fight for justice! An attorney like me would never do something like this! Do you all see now? Besides, this may all just be a harmless prank. I don't see any danger yet!" I pleaded. The others were taken back. Azami stepped froward. "You... Don't see any danger, huh? You... Don't see any danger?? Really?? None? We all woke up in classrooms, suffering from amnesia. The only thing I remember is receiving an invite in the mail, and now I'm here. Isn't that a bit strange to you? There's steel plates over the windows, none of us can find an exit, we're trapped. Do you still see no danger, or perhaps it is you orchestrating this sick scheme??" Azami quipped, arms folded. "I'm sorry. I was just trying not cause another panic" I replied. Azami unfolded his arms. "Oh. Very well. Hmm...." He pondered. "What is it Azami?" Naomi questioned. "Out of interest, what was written on the black boards in the classrooms you all woke up in? Mine said 'Despair will always live'" "Despair?" "That's pretty dark" The others called out their answers;

Kenji: Hope extinguished.

Chizuki: Feel the despair?

Kaito: No one is coming to save you.

Tsubaki: Hope or Despair?

Reiko: Deceive.

Reisuke: Justice won't prevail

Shinichi: Reach for the stars

Orochi: The innocent have no place here

Kimiko: Have a blast

Hideki: Enjoy your stay

Nana: Might your talent aid your crime?

Misaki: Fragile emotions tear like paper

Kira: Punish the blackened

Naomi: Smile for the camera

Yuzuki {Me} : I didn't see any blackboards on my way in...

Azami nodded. "Everyone. I don't mean to jump to conclusions just yet, but I believe we are all hostages here at Hope's Peak." Started expression were strewn across the faces of my classmates, including me. How could something like this happen?? Tis must me a joke, surely. "Yuzuki," Rei began. "Together, let's put logic behind what we know so far" He said. Trying to stay brave, I managed a nod.

"From the basis that we are all just hostages, I think I have some evidence to support this point;" [Moneko] [Reisuke] [Iron Plated windows] [Classroom messages] [My timetable] .... "GOT IT! The steel plated windows indicate to me that someone doesn't want us getting out. Therefore, they want us here, making us their prisoners, or rather their hostages. Not only this, but there might be something else I may be able to explain; [Moneko] [The principal] [How Moneko operates] ... HERE! I believe whoever is behind this may have subdued the real principal. Let's face it, Moneko has been pretty secretive. We don't even know who the principal of this school is, do we? That's why I believe that this wasn't supposed to happen if this were under the guidelines of the principal. Ergo, we're trapped here. Could it be for ransom? I don't know that much yet...

Reisuke nodded. "I believe the same. I know this might be hard for everyone to believe, but this whole situation is not a joke, or a prank." "QUITE RIGHT!!" Moneko boomed, popping out from under the podium, this startled everyone. "I'll give it to you Takahashi, you're very clever. But.. You missed out on a few details. The real principal is away right now. Let's just say he has other work to do, trust me, he's not dead," Moneko smiled, the ginger half smiling with ferociously sharp teeth. "His name, is Monokuma. You might see him soon, maybe.. Maybe not. It all depends if all goes according to plan." He sighed, the white half now blushing. "Plan? What do you mean?!" Kimiko shouted. "My plan for all of you, of course!" He laughed. The others became startled. "And what plan would that be?" I asked, trying my best to stay calm. "Great answer! I'm so glad we can get the real fun started! I request you all go to the VR room, that's an order." Moneko chanted, twirling around on the podium. "VR as in Video Recording?" Misaki asked. "BINGO!! Everyone head out the door and the first room on the left. Now!!"

I had the worst imaginable feeling deep in my stomach, it twisted and turned my mind inside out, blackening all silver linings. I saw the others, pale-drained faces as they slowly made their way to the room. Misaki was crying, drying her bloodshot eyes on her sleeves. Reiko was first to reach the door to the VR room, hesitant to enter. Orochi pushed passed her, swinging the door open. Reiko rolled her eyes, and followed. One by one, we filled the room. It reminded me of a college lecture room, but instead of seats, computers were spread out across the room, perching on wooden desks. Name plates labeled which was which. "Do we turn it on?" Chizuki asked, examining his computer. I found mine, all the way at the top. What's strangest was that there appeared to be an 8-bit figure of me. Moneko appeared on a large screen at the front, holding a glass of milk. "Correct, turn it on, sit down and shut up, this bit will be important!! Upupupup!! Put on your headphones and enjoy the little tape I have prepared for you all!" He laughed, the screen switching off. "Looks like we don't have much choice" Nana muttered, tucking herself into her seat. I did the same, nervous of what was to happen. "Guys, it's ok! This is the bit where they reveal this was all just a joke, then everything resumes as normal, right?" Shinichi desperately tried, firmly putting on his headphones.

He was wrong... Very wrong. What I saw on that tape would only start the massacre that was to come...



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