Chapter 7: Chaos Arrises from within

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Time: 9:32
Location: VR Room
Status: Free Time

Reisuke straightens his back, clears his throat and begins.

Reisuke: "I fear reality will equal the grim conclusion I have arrived at..."

Kaito: "What's that?"

Reisuke stares at the ground uncomfortably, nervous to continue

Reiko: "I fear we have arrived at intwining fates. Reisuke, I know what you're going to say, and I'd like to let you know that you're over reacting."

Reisuke: ".......Hmm.. I see. Very well."

Nana: "Excuse me? Care to fill in those who don't know what's going on?"

Yuzuki: "Rei... What happened to our families?!"

Hideki: "I can answer that. They're gone."

Azami: !
Nana: !
Naomi: !
Orochi: !
Reiko: !
Chizuki: !
Kimiko: !
Shinichi: !
Kaito: !
Kira: !
Yuzuki: !
Kenji: !
Tsubaki: !
Misaki: !
Reisuke: !

Kenji: "Gone?! How would you know?!"

Misaki: "That's not something to joke about Hideki!!"

Tsubaki: "... Who's to say it's not you orchestrating this operation? Huh?" *Sniffle*

Chizuki: "I can't take it anymore!! We need to get out of here! Those who are with me help me bust the door down in entrance hall!"

Chizuki sprints of out the classroom, followed by Kenji, Tsubaki, Kaito, Shinichi, Misaki, Kira, Orochi, Naomi and Nana.

Chizuki lead the group, tears streaming down his cheek, the others as desperate to escape as he is. The clattering started the second they reached the lumbering steel-played door. "Help!!! Anybody!!! Can you hear us?!!?! Get us out of here!!!!" Nana screamed, using her fists to try and knock the door down. "Stand back. Let me try," Orochi said, and the group made way. Clenching his fists, with a massive strike, Orochi hit hard against the door. An olympian like Orochi would have massive amounts of strength. "-Ehh- Not even a dent!!!!" He said in alarm. "I don't think it's gonna budge." Exclaimed Shinichi with a defeated tone.

Meanwhile, the students who stayed in the VR Room were discussing what was to come.

Reiuke: "Well.. I believe this group will remain calm with the truth.."

Azami: "Mmm, I agree. I hope we're all on the same page here. I'm just.. Nervous to say it.."

Reiko: "Yes. I believe Moneko wants us to kill each other, is that what you what you were trying to say?"

Reisuke fidgets with his thumbs and frowns.

Reisuke: "Y-yeah. But I hope that's not the case. Who knows, we might still be being held for ransom, or maybe we're just prisoners. Sorry if that causes alarm..."

Yuzuki takes a deep breath, and nods.

Yuzuki: "As part of law, I must be brave at all times. We will bring justice to this despair. We have to stay strong, together."

Reiko: "Well put. For now, let's assume we are destined to kill each other, therefore, wouldn't you feel safer if we were allied? I would... I'm scared... How did this ever happen?"

Azami: "I'll consent to that. Moneko said this is our free time, why don't we explore?"

Kimiko: "Sure. I'd like to see what Hope's Peak has to offer."

Azami: "I'll tell the others. I'm going to check out my room after that."

Yuzuki: "How do you know we have rooms?"

Azami takes out his E-Handbook, switches it on and shows Yuzuki a file.

Azami: "See? A map of the school. It only says F-1, so I imagine there are more floors with more facilities."

The other students gather around and study the map.

Reisuke: "Ok, I'll check mine later. We should all go...

Exit Reisuke, Reiko, Kimiko, Azami and Yuzuki.

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