Racing in Reality: Bullets per Second

Start from the beginning

"She's a genius, she changed the code.." Robert says picking up a guard's finger and scanning it on a metal screen thing on the door. Then Chris punches the code.

"That's my baby." Chris says proudly. Alice giggles.

"Okay Alice, freeze the cameras. How much time do we have?" I say leabing out of opening the door until she speaks.

"Literally 5 minutes. Then you will have to make your way upstairs, and we all need to make our way out of here." Alice says. "Melvin and Maggie are now in Ralph's office, they are scanning and playing around with the networks so that I have no way of being discovered. Oka guys, Like I said, 5 minutes."

"Five minutes?" Chris asks in shock. "We don't have enough time.."

"There is always time." Alice says and I take out my phone before opening the door. I have to act quick.

"I will take east of the basement. Robert take west. Chris go in for the devils mouth, the highest secured place in the house. The room that has his money and files... After, we do what we have to do, we will meet in the basement library which leads to Ralph's office.." I say showing them a 3D map of the entire basement on my phone. Chris and Rob nod.

"Okay. Alice...cameras off in 3...." Robert starts to say. I load the handgun, and secure the submachine. I hate to do this with a passion. I will treat this as a race....I don't like losing races. I will have my taser gun in handy though, which will leave them paralyzed for about 30 minutes.. I don't know which one I'll use, bullets or electricity, but I sure do know which one I want to use.

"2..." Robert continues and Chris opens the door slightly. I look at them as I nod. Here we go. ".....1!" It's like a race, once that gun goes off you speed your ass off. That's exactly what we did. We just started running and hiding, and shooting non-stop at the guards inside, once they were down, more started to appear from east and west wings. The enemy tries to switch lanes, but staying on yours is your way of perseverance and determination...I wanted to take out the taser gun, but when a guard is ready to kill you, you have to try and do the same back. I shot them all like it was no problem. I ran and shot, ran and shot.

Coming in from the outside, I ran to the east side of the basement and did what I had to do. 100 miles per hour is the speed. I can't feel my heart as I hold on tight to my wheel.

Two Minutes Later

"Hanging in there?" Robert screams from the other side of the basement.I tell him I'm okay as I push in my ear device a bit more and I sit in back of wall. I think about what just happened. This is only the start of the race. I stand up quickly and I run to Robert on the other side of the basement, bumping into all the bodies we just shot down. ..."I did this." I think to myself. But I have no time to think, I had to do it. As I run, I suddenly slide across the floor, shooting, with both hands on the submachine, before fully reaching Rob's location. I feel the bruises on my feet...These heels ain't no joke.

"Keep running...All these guards are trying to open the doors to the basement. I locked them temporarily though but once you get into the devil's mouth with Chris, lock it up! Do you hear me? Lock it up!" Alice screams in through the ear-piece. She had been saying things during the two minute action, but with all the bullet's going off I could not hear her.

"Chris is this way." Rob says holding my hand as we run north of the basement. The fact that he is holding my hand disturbs me, but I can barely run with this pain on my feet. Sometimes when racing, not all the engines work. Some cars have more than one engine, that is what makes them exceed these incredible speeds. But not all the engines are guaranteed to work, and that is when problems arise and you lose. But I will not lose.

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