The door was open a little and I could hear the teacher marking the roll, I took off my hoodie fully and stuffed it in my bag.

"Well that's strange" The teacher's voice sounded, I stopped and listened, just before opening the door.

"What" sighed a some-what agravated student, who sounded like he needed a nap.

"It says there should be a new student, by the name of Pandora, I believe" the teacher explained, I heard movement in the classroom.

"A new chick, great" a girl said sarcastically.

"That's a hot name" an obnoxious guy whispered loudly, I'd say the whole class heard him, I walked in.

"No it sounds slutty" I sighed walking towards the teacher.

"That is no way to talk young lady" the teacher growled.

"So, its true, do I give a shit?...Hmm let me think about it" I said sarcastically.

"No, no I don't" I annouced after a few quiet seconds.

"I take it you're Pandora" the teacher sneered.

"Unfortuantly, however, I am usually called Cj" I smiled with fake enthusiasm.

 "What the hell is with your voice?" asked the obnoxious guy from before, I glared at him and thought of how to reply, hmmmmm, I know.

"I'm Australian, Mate" I don't like saying that word, its so Australian stereotype, I hate being stereotyped, the guy laughed thinking I was joking.

"Go sit down Miss-" the teacher paused.

"Hall, like Ben Hall the- Oh wait you won't know him he's Australian" I laughed at the thought of them knowing Australian history and wandered to a seat and sat down.

The guy infront of me turned around in his chair and looked at me.

"What?" I asked, proping my head up with my hand and my elbow on my desk.

"Say something Australian" He ordered, okay well he is a dumb-ass.

"Like?" I asked, to amuse him.

"like: put some shrimp on the barbie, or whatever you people say" he did a horrible accent, a couple people around us snickered.

"Oh, you poor, poor idiot" I shook my head in shame.

"What?" he asked, more people snickered.

"No-one says that-" I paused.

"EVER" I added.

"No way, Australians totally say that, ALL THE TIME" a second guy added, now turning to look at me as well.

"No, Australians don't, there arn't even any 'shrimp' in Australia, and if there were, we wouldn't grill them on a barbeque, grilled seafood is bleh!" I explaned, talking to them like they were five.

"What do you mean there arn't any shrimp?"

"There are, but Australians call them prawns and they are usually boiled or something so that saying, like most of the other stereotyped shit about Aussies is just that, bull-shit" I turned away, not carig to hear anymore of their dumb-ass-ery.

Shouldn't the teacher be teaching or something? I was tapped on the back, I turned around to see a girl with a big grin.

"Hi" she smiled.

"Hey, shouldn't we be learning something?" I asked her

"Role-Call remember" 

"Oh, yeah, how long until its over?" I sighed.

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