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I like this chapter cause cj gets softer  :P and i added something a bit more personal, and in the next chapter school starts :P  the pic is Boo, but it isnt a very good pic to show how big they r, :)                                            <3 Jay


It had been five days, but she'd finally be here as well as Walter, five days full of worry, but I wasn't fully spazzing out, Walter had said he was force feeding her like when she was a bubba, so it was an emergency just not a meltdown code red one. I couldn't call Aliceson Mum nor did I want to call Aliceson, so the compromise was Alice, Alice had taken me to, I think its the DMV or something, it was different to what it was called in Australia, either way Alice and I had sorted out my license because I was on my green P's in Australia and I didn't know how that transferred in America.

So now I could drive, Ashley was more excited about it then me because he had been given the 'chore' (his words) of being my driver and he hated it, wow I must be a bad passenger. I had been going around getting things for when she got here, I was so happy she was coming and staying. I forced Alice and Dad not to tell the others, they will freak and I will laugh, its an awsome surprise.

I don't get American guys, Dad didn't have any tools or anything, when I asked him if he had a power saw or hamer and nails he stared as if I was the alien not him, he would so be a laughing stock in Australia, NOT EVEN A HAMMER, come on! So I bought a whole heap of tools from the hardware store, I bought everything I knew how to use, so its a little limited but I knew a bit, I took wood-work back in school, I told him they were presents for all the father's days I had missed.

With the tools and wooden beams, paint and chicken wire I had bought I completed my room and made the perfect place for her to stay, I also had bought all the things I heeded for her. Sammy and Ashley wouldn't stop pestering me trying to figure out what the hell I was doing, luckily only two more days before they go back to school, sucks for them I still had a week.

Ashley's P.O.V-

Sammy, the twins and I had gone to the park, the twins loved it Sammy hated it and I was bored as hell, Mum said we couldn't come back until one-thirty, for Cj's surprise, I did not want to know what it was. But I also really wanted to know what it was, admittedly I'm a little afraid.  It was now one-fourty-two so we were walking back home, because we weren't allowed to drive either.

As we arrived home I annouced:

"We're back" in a bored tone.

"In the kitchen babies" Mum called out. 

the twins ran ahead and sreamed in delight when they reached the kitchen.

"WOW" their little voices where bright.

Sammy and I caught the swinging kitchen door and opened it to reveal Mum, James a fat old guy and Cj holding a......



Cj's P.O.V-

"You are not getting any fucking bat because you will not touch my baby"  I growled at Ashley, Sammy continued screaming, that is it.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, have you not seen a freaking bird before its not even a big one calm the fuck down"  my voice was steady but I felt like exploding, my baby was okay and I won't let no-one hurt her.

"Wh-at?" Sammy and Ashley asked in unison.

"This is a bird, more specifically a parrot, an Eclectus parrot, despite being classified as an Australian parrot you do not require an Australian bird license to own it, the species originates from Papua New Guinea, it is a tropical bird that if taught at a young age can form cognitive behavour and it can make over a thousand natural speech patterns not to mention this one does tricks" I snapped my fingers for dramatic effect, only the tip of the iceberg of information I have about my baby.

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