Chapter 11: Tale of the Fortuneteller

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Under the dead heat of the scorching sun, seven young people walked down the dusty road with their cloaks covering their heads. On foot they trudged down the dusty hill, feeling the cruel slap of the wind on their faces. The group was approaching a grove of trees along the path, making their eyes dart at the bare branches. Their empty stomachs hoped for apples if possible, but none were available for them to consume. Sweat rolled down their arched brows, glaring at the heat of the sun. And the hunger their stomachs bore was painful and caused the travelers to feel weak.

The cat and monkey clung to their owner's shoulders, and with much of her strength, the men's teacher carried her animal friends without uttering a single complaint. Her shoulder also bore the weight of her satchel that carried her belongings. Several times the men had offered their help to carry her things, but each time the woman declined it with a smirk and a cocked brow. Angelica displayed no sign of discomfort, and was steadfast.

"If anyone thinks I'm crazy it would be your fault," Angelica told the monkey at one time. "I'm not rude. It's the truth and you know that."

The young prince, Jahan, gazed at her back as the woman who led the way. He watched her chat with Shandor, as if she understood the primate's language. Happening to be right beside her, the prince couldn't but help feel embarrassed to see Angelica pick Shandor to talk to instead of him or any of their friends. Perhaps they haven't connected at all. Suddenly, when he stole a glance at her, a sharp slap stung his cheek, stunning the prince. Laughter erupted behind him when Shandor turned out to be the one who did the honors, not Angelica. His eyes were wide with surprise and embarrassment. He wondered what it was for.

"Shandor! You and your random hoolabaloo! Apologize at once!" Angelica angrily told the monkey.

"N-No, it's fine, Angelica! I'm alright," objected the vexed prince.

Angelica sighs.

"Apparently, he doesn't like you,"explained Angelica when Shandor angrily pointed at the boy and seemed to explain something to the fortuneteller. The men watched in amusement when the monkey continued to complain, bringing smirks on their faces, except for Azad and Enzo who remained stoic.

Miss Angelica could understand what he's saying?? thought a horrified prince.

"And Shandor says—" Angelica's mouth was suddenly covered when the monkey cupped her mouth and then hugged her face, angrily snarling at the rest of the group.

It continued to cry and snarl until the woman burst into laughter. She patted his head and turned back to the road without saying anything to her companions, seemingly conversing with her monkey friend, baffling the rest who were left behind. The feline that rested on her shoulders like a scarf eyed them suspiciously before shutting its eyes again.

Alfieri started laughing and pulled ahead, and then glances back at his friends, saying, "Hey, Azad. You seem to be the most serious here. Did you understand what that monkey said?"

Sighing, Azad reluctantly replied yes. "The ability to speak to living creatures is a rare gift. Fortunately, I am among those who are able to converse to animals. You wouldn't want to here what that monkey was saying."

With that he pulled ahead, but was halted by Alfieri himself. "C'mon and tell us. Looking at the faces of our comrades here, I'm sure they're all dying to hear it as well."

"I'll have to confess, I want to know what Shandor was saying," said Pietro, looking nervously at the Indian.

"Azad! Tell us!" cried an anxious prince.

"This is stupid," remarked an incredulous Abelle, pushing back his glasses.

Sighing, the man calmly began to tell his friends what the monkey was telling the fortuneteller; never had Abelle feel so vexed his entire life. "Shandor was telling Angelica to be careful because she's accomodating a pack of wolves. And he was telling her to listen to him."

Damsel in Distress 2: The Secrets Within (Arcana Famiglia FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora