Chapter 17: Escape

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Hurled into a cell, Celestina groaned as she felt herself crash into her side, scraping her arm a little in the process. Glancing at her captors, she snarls aggressively like a captured feline. Her eyes burned with hatred, but at the same time, the girl felt sick to her stomach with fear as screams of ecstasy filled her ears. Putting her captors aside for her worry, many women before her shuddered in fear. Tears poured from their eyes, and sobs and cries of sorrow escaped their tear-stained lips.

Never have they been more afraid.

Quickly, Celestina scrambles to her feet, and hurried towards the closest one to her, a woman of blond hair. The woman yelped in surprise, but managed to regain her senses. Even when she knew that the gypsy was a fellow woman, there was no one she could actually trust any longer.

"Where am I? Where are we??" she asked in an annoyed tone. "Those bloody bastards just dumped me in here!"

"Didn't you know? We're going to be competing for our lives! All 'attractive women'. That's what they said," sobbed the woman. "Sasori wants a beautiful woman for both a bodyguard and a doxy. ."

"What?? Are you serious?!"

"Do I look like I'm in the mood to jest? We're gonna die for Pete's sake!" she cried, crying even louder.

"It is most unfortunate indeed that such a quiet town have barbaric practices," a melodious voice remarked calmly, making all the ladies turn their heads. "I hear that Lord Sasori's very bodyguards will be joining the competition; this is but a mere slaughter."

Furrowing her eyebrows, Celestina gets up from her knees and approached the bars. Placing her hands on them, she gazes at the other side of the corridor, revealing another cell filled with ladies. But at the very front, she could see an incredibly beautiful woman with fair porcelain skin and wavy locks of ebony. But her face were stained with blood, and her eyes covered with a bloody cloth. It alarmed Celestina when she suspected what their captors had done to her.

"What can we do?!" the girl asked, putting her thoughts aside.

"What can we do? Nothing. We just need to fight for our lives and see if we survive."

Celestina grinned at these words. "I have no problem with that," she announced arrogantly. "They don't call me Black Vixen for nothing!"

She frowned when she saw the stranger grin.

"Hmph. Good luck then. . . Celestina."

The girl's eyes widen at the sound of her name, stunned. But before she could do anything, an ear-deafening ecstatic cry echoed down the corridor. Immediately the women in the cells started moaning and groaning; simultaneously, crying out for their lives. Soon, heavy footsteps came their way, and before any of the woman knew what was happening they were pulled from their cells despite their pleas.

They were forced to change their clothes, placing on leather suits and armor to cover themselves. Weapons were given to them. Surprisingly they were light, but of course, they were designed that way for them—for them women. It irritated Celestina as as picked her own clothes, although she was surprised that the blind woman decided not to change and simply picked her own set of weapons. She seemed so elaborate that one would find it hard to believe that she was even blind.

It puzzled the girl, but she pushes her thoughts aside and went back to her own business.

Forced to leave the changing room, they soon heard the excited screams as light of the sun blinded their eyes for a moment. Fear took ahold of their shoulders when they saw the limp bodies of bloody, decapitated, and limbless women. Blood were spilled everywhere, and a couple of other women remained standing with bloody weapons in their hands. Their bloodlust was evident in their eyes, and the profanity of their will to continue living remained in the scars their skin bore.

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