Chapter 20: The Dying Sun

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The train's whistle screamed as the train engineer pulled down the line. Others with him threw pieces of coal from the sacks nearby into the firebox. Sparks of ember flew out as the radiating heat, making sweat form on their foreheads. Wiping them away with their shirts, the engineers let out a loud sigh. They felt tired and weary, feeling their chest tighten each time they forced themselves near the furnace, the firebox. But it was their job to keep the train going and make sure that they get to the next town without any form of delay.

Along the seats in the cars, friendly conductors made sure that the passengers were comfortable. There were only a little over a handful of them, allowing some of them to freely roam around and make acquaintances. But only those rich in status freely went around in the first class cars. The middle class remained in their seats humbly, though some grumbled for not having the same luxury as the rich.

Seated in separately in three different sections, Angelica and her group kept watch for enemies. Angelica stayed in the first class with a bar, sharing drinks with Luciano. Then in the middle of the train were Abelle, Pietro, Celestina, Azad, and Jahan. In the end of the train were Enzo, Alfieri, Ekundayo, and Connor. Almost everyone saw the strategy in placing them in separate locations, but they questioned their leader for once again isolating herself with another man whom the rest still didn't know. Her pets were given to the two groups, completely isolating herself and the man whom she had introduced as Luciano.

"Man, this is so annoying," grumbled Celestina, burying her face into her arms. She saw in one of the middle class cars with the men she was assigned with, and she didn't like it at all.

Azad looked at her with concern, naturally since he is Jahan's butler. "Are you alright, Celestine?"

"It's Celestina!" the gypsy snarled at him, pushing her curly, black locks. Damn, I can't stand men!

"My apologies."

The girl huffs indignantly. "I don't understand why Angelica had to separate us ladies. Not to mention that she went with some redhead we don't know! Didn't she become blind just being with Alfieri? What if she'll lose something else??"

"Doesn't she know Luciano from the famiglia?" Jahan asks as his eyes darted around. "Since we've come this far, I wouldn't question her honestly. Everything—"

"Everything will be alright?" Celestina interrupts with an incredulous tone. She glared at Jahan for his faith in the fortuneteller, making her feel sick with disbelief and jealousy. "I don't know about you, but how much do you even know about her? I could tell that she was a former prostitute by the way she treats, you men. If you're wondering how I know, it's a woman's intuition."

"Why are you so against Ann?" Pietro asks worriedly. "Yet you came along."

The gypsy sighs, crossing her arms across her chest. "I just don't like women who act too comfortable around men she barely know. Furthermore, assessing from how you treat her, I'd say you only stayed with for probably a couple of months."

"How do you know that?" asks Jahan, feeling surprised.

"You don't know how to interact with her. You're surprised all the time with whatever she does! It's obvious you haven't gotten used to her," remarked Celestina. "Alfieri's kinda different though. He's more like amused. Same goes for Connor."

"Alfieri's been with her for about a year. We only met Connor just a day earlier than you though," Abelle calmly replied. "I don't like that man."

Azad smiles. "Well, naturally. But I believe Angelica made a good choice of picking him up. But I honestly hope that she would not just go picking up anymore people. However, she doesn't seem to have that kind of heart."

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