Chapter 16: The True Name of the Blind Fortuneteller

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"So it seems that the circus is hiding more than what they have to say," Mondo's voice boomed through the crack of the door.

"Yes," Nova's voice replied. "From their conversation, it appeared that they knew Romeo as well. That chap whom we took in after he defended his horse if you don't remember."

"Papa, it also seemed that they were working for a woman named 'Lady Annabelle' as they would call her," Felicita's voice joins in. "And just like what Romeo wanted, this woman apparently was looking for 'a missing stepsister'. Brothers were also mentioned."

Suddenly the doors threw open, surprising the three. But it turned out that they weren't the only ones in the chamber. The rest of the members of the Tarocco also were in the presence of their leader, Mondo. They all had serious looks on their faces, their hands either in their pockets or crossed across their abdomen. The scent of cigarette permeated across the room since there was more than one smoker, but the famous, beautiful Madame Butterfly didn't allow the small trivial matter annoy her. But the news of their newfound enemy distressed her.

"Do you all care to divulge to me of the latest news?" her melodious voice charms their ears.

Their eyes were already turned to her the moment she had stepped into the room. She still donned on her usual set of clothes: a revealing kimono with a pair of combat boots. Her smirk was more forced into the very corners of her mouth. But it was forced and there was no sign of sarcasm nor jest. She was merely trying to lighten the situation. However, since it had no effect of lightening the mood, her smile turned upside down.

"Alright fine, jokes aside. If you have not yet realized it, Angelica is in danger," she told them seriously as she walked towards her husband's side. "I've just received a prophecy the other day that the eyes to her soul will be destroyed. You must send help as once!"

"What??" everyone cries.

Mondo nods. "I didn't expect them to return here unscathed to be honest. I haven't been feeling sick lately, it's almost as if I've been healed. But,"—he raises his arm up and rolls up his sleeve, revealing a mark that appeared like a stigmata and it glowed vibrantly—"I will have to confess now: this mark indicates whether Angelica is in pain right now. You all already know that Angelica has willingly connected herself to me and I wouldn't be surprised if all the recruits had one. She's planning to connect with all the members of the Arcana famiglia because the Arcana has chosen her as their emissary and representative.

"Among all of us, she had mastered the Arcana in only less than a year. Don't you find it rather strange? Not only that, she already long had the ability to see the future—to see the fortune and misfortune of others. It is a natural thing that her eyes are among the keys to her abilities. Unless it was just my assumption, the enemy are well aware that her eyes are her greatest weapon."

"Putting her greatest greatest weapon aside," Dante intervenes, frowning as he smoked his cigar. "What should we do with the circus group? Who knows how long they will be staying here? Are we going to observe their activities until when they will be staying here. If they find out that Felicita and Nova are members of the Arcana Famiglia then they might not have any choice but to leave before we started apprehending members."

Mondo nods. "That is a fairly good point, but I don't think they would leave too soon just because Nova and Felicita are part of the famiglia. Who knows? If they have intentions of remaining here for a certain period of time, they might even walk to our front door and apologize."

"Whether they would do that or not, it is too dangerous. We do not know what they may do next. If they're the fake Arcanas Angelica spoke about, then it would be like allowing the enemies into our territory," Dante insisted.

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