Chapter 6: Festival of Fate

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Looking at the woman in surprise, the man tried to remain composed. He thought that whether or not she was joking, he should not react or the truth will really be revealed. He knew this much. "King of Thieves, huh? That's quite a title." Enzo remarks. "But sweetie, that's not my name."

She just smiles as she walked towards him slowly. "Guessing games depends on both players. That is if it's between only two people. It will depend on their honesty. . . and their deception." The house owner explains calmly, but a smirk was planted all over her face.

He smiles, determined not to let her take control of the game. "Ah. So you're a psychic?" He asks calmly. "No. . . you're a card dealer. A shark from the sight of the Arcana on the walls of this house."

"Aish. If you would call me a card shark. . . I guess I am," She replies, chuckling a little in amusement. "But I haven't drawn all my cards yet." The woman adds bluntly. "In fact I am looking for them."

Enzo cocks his eyebrow at her. "Looking for them, huh? Trying to play mind games with me, woman?" He asks.


"So have you guessed my name, yet?" He asks.

Chuckling to herself, the woman in the room sighs as she averts her eyes away from his. "What is truth? When will I know that whatever the stranger says is truth? Is this person worth trusting? DO I know that that person is a friend and not a foe? That's what I used to think when I was a little girl." She starts, tracing her finger on the tapestries on the wall. "And even now I am thinking such questions. Humans are the most deceptive creatures of earth. Not foxes, not crows, not snakes, the animals that are represented as creatures of lie and deception. It has always been us humans. Right now. . . you are wondering. . . you're wondering whether you could trust me. Right? You are currently wondering why I am so confident that you are Enzo." She continues, walking closer to him until she was just a few feet away from him.

"You're thinking about the obvious."

She smiles. "Denying that you are Enzo is only going to waste both our time."

"How do you even know that my name is Enzo?" The man asks. "How do you even know that there was such a title? And even if I'm Enzo. . . why would you say that I'm the King of Thieves when I'm robbing you just now?"

"Because I heard that he usually aims people with high sense of dignity. Rather than wealth." She calmly replies. "That was because his was taken from him. By a woman."

Images in the man's head immediately recall that night. He remembered the woman he thought was the love of his life. Only to realize that she was there to rob him of his dignity, leaving him in utter shame and depression.

"Why would you say that?" Enzo asks, trying to stay composed.

"Even if I fed you, gave you a room for you to stay," Says the woman, walking even closer to him. "Yet you still went down here to rob me. You were looking for my room, Enzo. You wanted to break me. That woman you thought loved you. . . you welcomed her with open arms didn't you?"

Dropping his head in shame, the man averts his eyes away from her. Tears started to brim from his eyes, quickly wiping them away with his sleeve. "H-How did you know that? Guessing again?"

Suddenly, the woman embraced him tightly, stunning him. For a moment, he was tempted to push her away form him, but her voice interrupts him, "It's okay. I've had my own depressions, too. I, too, was taken of my dignity. I thought that revenge was the best card that I could draw in this game of life, but I was wrong. Killing them didn't make me happy. I was in the verge of destruction until I was pulled back on my feet. Now I am starting a new life. I have started a new life. Join me, Enzo. Let's make better use of our lives instead of wallowing in our agony and depression. Join me." She concludes, pulling away form him.

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