Chapter 8: Delicate Relationships

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The heavy rain pounded on the shoulders of a cloaked figure, whose hand held tight on the mare's reins. Her other hand clutched her cloak that flailed wildly against the wild wind. Pants escaped her mouths as she frantically searched for a place of shelter where she and her companion of a horse may rest before continuing on with their long journey. Darting her violet eyes around, the woman caught sight of an inn. It was brightly lit and crowded with people, men and women alike. Reluctantly the stranger walks towards the tavern with her horse close to her. Her feet stomped heavily on muddy puddles, creating a big splash. Above her the sky rumbled with thunder, and flashes of lighting illuminated the dark skies.

Reaching the tavern, she quickly places her beloved mare into one of the stables, placing her into one of the boxes to rest. Leaving her horse behind after giving it a fond pat on the nozzle, she walks off to the tavern where it reeked of alcohol and sweat, making her nose twitch at the scent. The woman makes her way to the table with eyes watching her. All around were husky and muscle-built men who appeared unfriendly and hostile. However, some had leering expressions on their faces. She wasn't surprised, because being stared at was a natural part of her life. Taking a seat by the bar, the woman sighs in relief and orders a cup of water.

Looking at the woman grimly, the innkeeper gives her her order. He watched her curiously as she would delicately hold the cup to her lips, revealing her slender wrists like those of a woman. On either side of her, two men also watched her curiously. "What brings you here so late in the night, traveler?" the innkeeper suddenly asks.

The woman places her cup down carefully, and replied, "The rain caught me and I needed a place to stay," with a gentle, calm voice.

"This place may not be a place for someone such as yourself will stay," the innkeeper points out, looking at the woman closely. "It's dangerous."

A grin appears on the stranger's face, baffling the innkeeper. "Danger. . . and death is always right behind me, dear sir. There is no need to worry about my well-being," she calmly replied.

Amused, her seatmate leans close to her face with a malevolent expression plastered all over his face. His teeth bites on the cigar that hung by his mouth, smoke lining up from it. "Eh? Girlie here seems pretty sure about herself," he sneered to his companions.

"Maybe we could have some fun," leered another.

"Maybe she's got some curse," says another.

"Hey, stranger, want a drink with me?" asks another man, again leaning close to the woman's face.

"No. Thank you," she replied calmly. "I wouldn't want to I indulge myself with alcohol and ale if you don't mind."

"Where do yo come from?" asks another man, who also had become curious with the hooded traveler.

"I don't speak of my birthplace if you don't mind," she replies. "But the last I came from was Regalo."

Immediately her companions widened their eyes at the sound of the name. It didn't surprise the traveler, assuming that they must have heard of the famous famiglia that ruled the town. They gasped and murmured amongst as if they were with a legend. Leaning closer to the woman, the innkeeper peeks under her hood, but her face was overshadowed by the darkness inside. Though, he felt like he was drowning in a deep well as he peered deeper until he realized he was star in into a pair of beautiful violet eyes. He was deeply astonished to see a marvelous beauty, incredulous to realize that someone like her would be in constant danger.

Damsel in Distress 2: The Secrets Within (Arcana Famiglia FF)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя