The End

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Back at the Beacon Courtyard, the Reds and blues gathered about, all back in their armor except Church, who didn't need armor.

Ozpin stood with them.

"You all had saved our world, and we will do everything in our power to help you back." He stopped, "Church, don't you want your armor?"

Church thought.

"You keep it. It has blueprints for other armor variants in it. You can cross reference it and build your own armors."

"That... Is very noble of you. Thank you." He turned to Glynda, "Activate the portal you've been working on."

Glynda nodded, and then she turned and shot energy into a large hooped machine. In the center of the ring, a large portal appeared.

"We will make this up to you some day, Good bye."

Everyone waved goodbye, and jumped into the portal, and returned to Valhalla.

Donut and Doc sat with a bunch of UNSC soldiers.

"Where were you?!" Donut shouted.

"It's a long story..." Wash told him.


Blake sat at the helm of an airship, listening to several comms from the destroyed station.

Suddenly a soldier walked up behind her.

"Ms. Belladonna, we have found her."

"What's her condition?" She said, her voice lifting slightly.

"She has several burns, but the brain is intact. We could begin the procedure Epsilon recommended to us."

"I'll meet the scientists in the lab when she is ready." She said distantly.

The soldier turned and walked away.

"Maybe this will fix her..." Blake whispered.


Ruby walked through the maximum security prison, passing the cells of outlaws and murderers.

She came to one cell, inside was a woman with tattered red clothes and messy hair.

"R-Ruby...?" She said weakly.

"You are going to talk to me." Ruby stated.


"Your going to tell me why you left me, mother."


Why Are You Here? (RWBY Red Vs. Blue Crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora