En Route

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The Dropship zoomed over plains near the base. Blake and team CSCS stood by the door, looking out grimly. After moments of silence, Blake finally turned to her team.

"Alright everyone." She began, "Our mission is clear, infiltrate and attack, then evac. We have a limited window and we need to act fast. Church, I want Delta here please."

"Oh... Uh fine." Church's hair shortened and stuck out instead of down, like a balloon had been rubbed on it and it stuck straight up- like a mad scientist almost. His eyes became a fluorescent green.

"Hello Blake. I am the Freelancer Artificial Intelligence Fragment Designated Delta."

"Hey D, can you go over these algorithms and tell me the best course of action?" Blake handed Delta the base schematics. He grabbed them quickly and examined them, looking for any structural or personnel flaws.

"Statistically, the probability for the least amount casualties would lead us to this path into the side door," he pointed at a door in the schematics. "it's too obvious even for ignorant people to have guarded. We can infiltrate and be able to be unseen as we move to our target."

"Thanks D, now can I speak to Church?"

"I'll bring Epsilon now." Delta's face shifted back to Church's.

"I'm back, I bet you missed me..." Church smiled playfully.

"No, not really." Blake blatantly stated. She turned to Carolina.

"You are in charge of scouting. I've heard that your semblance is blending in."

"No... It's speed..."

"Well, I've met some with two... Try it Carolina." She said. Carolina looked around and then her skin and clothes shifted to the color of the wall, even her eyes were solid metal colored.


"Alright," she moved on to Sarge "Your in charge of entry. I want a way in the facility as soon as possible." She moved to Simmons. "I've read about your skill with machines... Your with me Simmons." Simmons gaped at her

"I... Der... Ok...?"

"Looks like someone can't talk to girls!" Church shouted.

"FUCK OFF BLUE!" Simmons shouted defensively. Blake looked outside and saw the immense base.

"We're approaching the target, be ready for anything."

"Ma'am!" The pilot shouted, "Anti-Air Turrets, I can't turn back now!" Blake turned.

"THIS MIGHT GET BUMPY!" She shouted, the turrets turned and barraged them with bullets. The Dropship evaded them quickly and tried to stay level. Finally, unfortunately, the ship got hit in the wing, sputtering and uncontrollably spinning, the dropship crashed brutally into the plains.

Blake leaped out of the smoldered wreckage, followed by Church, Carolina, Simmons and finally Sarge.

"Move out." Blake said, "Carolina first." Carolina jumped up and ran towards the Objective, blending in to the plains. Church followed and then Sarge. Blake drew her sword and ran as Simmons struggled to follow.

Blake came to a cliff overlooking the ocean, and stood there, looking out, Simmons stood beside her, panting.

"Oh no..." Blake said ominously.

"What?" Simmons said as he panted, catching his breath.

"Those ships..." She pointed into the nearby harbor by the base, it was bustling with activity as White Fang troops moved shipments into the ships.

"What's wrong?"

"They're loading several dust missiles onto those ships, they're gonna bomb the kingdoms..."


Miss me? I knew it.

Well here's your update!

See ya!

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