Chapter Three: Distant Minds

Start from the beginning

"Good bet." I snickered, rolling my eyes just slightly. I was about five minutes away from campus, two of I sped. "I'll text you our address, but don't expect Mallory to be up till twelve, ten if you're lucky." I turned the corner, closer to campus, but I didn't want to hang up with him, even if it was unimportant things we were taking about.

"I'll ring the doorbell till she answers." He laughed, I heard ruffling, which could mean he was either leaning back in his seat, or he was getting ready to leave.

"Well, hang out with her, when I come home we can go on a rampage." I chuckled, turning into the parking lot, searching for a space.

"Fine." He whined childishly, making me grin from ear to ear. God, of course he had to be married. The one guy I'm attracted to that could change my life, is taken. "When do you get off?" He asked his voice distant, which could mean anything.

"Um, my last class ends at," I paused thinking. This was the first time I ever actually had to come up with a time my classes ended. All I knew was when they were over, I went home, or to work. "Uh, I don't know." I finally answered after deliberating. He laughed at me, and I rolled my eyes. "Look I gotta go just pulled into campus and my class starts soon. I'll call when I'm out." I sighed, pulling the car into an empty space, killing the engine.

"Okay." He grumbled. My heart fluttered, my brain making me think he could feel the same way? Then I ended the call, knowing I would stay on the line and be late to class.

I grabbed my backpack from the back seat, slinging it over my shoulder as I slammed my car door. My finger ran across the screen of my phone one last time, texting Austin the address of Mallory and my apartment before clicking it off, shoving it into my pocket as I made my way around students.

My first class was Modern Literature, followed by a speech class (which helped with face to face discussions), my Shakespearean Literature class, and then my Modern Writing and Publishing class. Because I was finishing my last year of college, I didn't need to take as many classes, giving more free time to just waste or to get extra hours in at work. The only bad part was Shannon was my Modern Writing Professor, meaning he was the last teacher I had for the day.

When I would come home late, Mallory would automatically assume we did some 'extracurricular activities'. It all started when she came to pick me up one day and walked in on me and Professor Shannon talking. It is not my fault that she thought he was cute, and that we were sitting rather close to one another. From that point on? I was his 'dirty little secret'. But Mallory, even being my best friend since before my brother died, knows not even half of my dirty little secrets. And these secrets? They've scarred me; it's hard to even talk about it. That's the only reason stopping me from telling Mallory.

I walked into my Modern Lit class and took a seat next to Shamus. We became friends a while back, and clicked from the beginning. He's from Ireland, and is a fake ginger, dying his hair red when his natural brown roots start to show. I make fun of his fake ginger status, because he wants red hair so bad. But whenever he needs it I'm there with the bottle of red hair dye, a chair, and a towel to re-dye his hair.

I don't what is with Mallory automatically assuming I was friendly with every guy I met, but she thought something was going on between us. Until she walked in on him making out with his boyfriend. Then her suspicions were cleared and she finally let it go. I think she jumps to these conclusions because she knows I'm still a virgin and that I have never done any sexual besides making out with my ex-boyfriends. She wants me to be happy, both mentally and sexually, but with my past, I'm afraid.

"Earth to Blair." Shamus waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shook my head, rubbing my eyes, trying to focus on the lesson plan in front of us.

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