A Project

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When does this class get out? Why do I need to take this class? Who cares about the history of art? At least Levi is here.

I just couldn't focus on the teachers rambling about their favorite artist and how they started to paint. All I could really pay attention to was Levi.

His Raven hair in an undercut. His beautifully pale skin. His steel eyes. I've never seen him smile, but I'm sure it's beautiful. In fact, I've never seen him make any face other than his usual disinterested scowl. Except when he is doodling in his sketchbook, then his scowl softens the smallest bit.

I spent most of my fourth period art class just staring at him. And a lot of the time I see him glance back at me. The smallest little dart of the eyes towards me for a fraction of a second, but it was enough to give me hope.

"Alright class," I heard Mr. Pixis, the art teacher, announce, "there will be an art project due in two months worth HALF of your grade. Two months seems like a long time, but it is not. You will most likely spend most of your time working on it from tomorrow to the due date. However, I will allow for you to have ONE partner, go ahead and choose now."

Oh fuck

How am I supposed to do a project worth half of my grade if I am TERRIBLE at art. Not only that, but I don't know anyone here. I have two friends and neither are here, and I don't like talking to obnoxious people which take up 90% of the school.

I sigh in anguish and slam my face on the table, listening to the stirring of people picking partners. I feel someone approach my desk.

"Hey, Jaegar." I heard a slightly familiar voice say. When I looked up I saw none other than Levi Ackerman standing beside me. "Wanna be partners?"

Disbelief washed over me and I stuttered out my reply. "Y-yes!" I flinched internally at my own stupid words. Levi nodded and went back to his seat.

Oh my fucking god. Oh my FUCKING god.

Once everyone sat back down, Mr, Pixis continued, "Now the subject of you project, is beauty. Create something that is beautiful to you, in its own special way. It can be anything from a sculpture to a sketch but you must explain why it is so beautiful and meaningful to you." At that, the bell rang to go to our next class.

"Eren." I turned to see Levi standing behind me holding out a small piece of paper. "Drop by my place after school, text me if you can't make it." And he yet again walked away, leaving me shocked that he even knew my name.

Quickly, I unfolded the piece of paper with Mia address and number, not being able to stop the smile creeping onto my face.

A/N: YAY!! I am creating this fic JUST because of the ending so hopefully I wount get too bad of writers block and update regularly.

Thank you so much for reading!!

See ya~!!

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